Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor - Valorous Wings

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Ichoris, Feb 28, 2022.

  1. Ichoris Well-Known Member

    Is it possible to get the Valorous Wings with a level 125 character? I used the Agnostic version of the zone. Everything is gray to me. The chest does drop from the final boss. There hasn't been any wings yet. I think I'm on run number 12. I know they are rare. Just want to make sure I shouldn't be mentored down or something. Wondering if they won't drop because I'm level 125 even if the zone is Agnostic. Thanks!
  2. Kaitheel Developer

    Twyla and Ichoris like this.
  3. Ichoris Well-Known Member

    Hello. Thanks Kaitheel for the reply. Are you sure it's the same issue. The boss drops the chest. There are items I can loot. Just not the item 'Valorous Wings'. My question is should a level 125 running the Agnostic version if this zone get the wings from the chest. Will the item drop if I'm level 125?

    So the bug you linked could also cause the wings to not drop even if the boss is dropping a chest with items in it? A level 125 should be able to get this item?

    Thanks again for taking the time to reply.
  4. Kaitheel Developer

    Oh, my goodness! You are absolutely correct. I had caught the scaling mobs in the Shard of Love at the same time as the level 125+ Reign of Shadow ones, so my mind was just stuck on that issue.

    Since the Valorous Wings are looted from a chest, it is not affected by the same bug.

    I did just go digging directly through the files and can confirm the wings are still hooked up to Mithaniel Marr's treasure chest. They don't have any predicates that may be stopping them from dropping, which removes any confusion that it may cause. I see the wing's drop chance is lower than the Cloak of Erollisi's Valor, or the Circlets of Love and Valor. Have you received one of those yet?

    ~ Kaitheel
    Xillean, Twyla and Ichoris like this.
  5. Ichoris Well-Known Member

    Thanks for confirming the wings can drop at level 125. Yes I have received the Cloak and the Circlets a few times. It's fine the drop chance of the wings is lower (it should be). I was just worried the reason I hadn't seen the wings yet is because of my level. I didn't want to be wasting my time. I'm sure they will drop at some point. Right? Right? Heh. Thanks again!
    Kaitheel likes this.
  6. CharbrynEQ2 Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure about the agnostic version of the dungeon, but the wings that I farmed in the past I got from the chests of the regular, non-agnostic zone, while being self-mentored to 80.
    Xillean likes this.
  7. Xillean Well-Known Member

    Same here and I got my last pair last month or so ago.
  8. Ichoris Well-Known Member

    Thanks. That is good to know. Hopefully the Agnostic one works. I know it's rare but I have run it over 40 times now. Kaitheel said he didn't see anything stopping it from dropping in the Agnostic with a level 125. I guess just unlucky so far.