Shapechange widgets question

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Cogg, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Cogg Member

    Are there any other collection gained or otherwise little widgets that shift your form? I know bout the dragonman one..and the petrified eyes and such...any other odd or unusual ones out there? if a collection can you point me in the right direction and its name?

  2. Revekk Member

    I believe every, or almost every, Legends of norrath card set since launch has had at least one fun illuision loot card. Gold members get 5 free packs a month. You can look at those on the Lon site.
    Most of the forms come from quest lines as rewards. Too numerous to list.
    Also search "totems" on the broker. Player crafted items that grant certain abilities that also change your form.