Shadowknight DOV Raiding Thread

Discussion in 'Shadowknight' started by ARCHIVED-Velocity2006, Apr 20, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Velocity2006 Guest

    Okay, so some of you may remember the last thread I had back in the day, think of this as a 2.0 version. This thread is here to provide people wanting to progress through Destiny of Velious raid content an idea of what gear and AA setups they will need in order to succeed, along with personal recommendations.

    First we will discuss gear. In DoV each mob requires two basic stats, Critical Mitigation (Determines how often a mob critically hits you), and Critical Chance (Determines how often your hits critically hit on a mob).


    Every mob in DoV has this buff and it can be used to determine if you are prepared to combat the encounter successfully. (For this mob 170 Critical Mitigation is needed, along with 125% Critical Chance).

    To get the bare minimum to raid you should have either have SF T3 or higher, or the legendary armor from doing the Public Quests (Storm Gorge, and Ring War), another option is doing groups for the X2 Tower as much of this gear will be the best you can get until raiding Easy Mode zones. These sets of gear feature adornment slots that can be used to boost stats (I will cover some adornments that are useful to use after we go over gear).

    Color Coding is to designate difficulty to obtain the gear-
    Easy Raiding
    Harder Raiding

    Public Quest Gear (Yellow Slot Adorments)-

    Helmet- \aITEM -191446136 -1911912515:Barbute of Woe\/a
    Breast Plate- \aITEM -125988366 -2141217030:Breastplate of Woe\/a *Hard to obtain because of randomized loot*
    Shoulders- \aITEM 865792383 -138149633:pauldrons of Woe\/a
    Forearms- \aITEM -492330855 1191236468:Vambraces of Woe\/a
    Gloves- \aITEM -136
    4890307 1376921928:Gauntlets of Woe\/a
    Legs- \aITEM -1367509346 14
    0416043:Greaves of Woe\/a
    Boots- \aITEM 1838309851 -1791323395:Sabatons of Woe\/a
    1H- \aITEM 1302717731 1032984615:Render of Woe\/a
    2H- \aITEM -1020599616 299925363:Greatsword of Woe\/a

    Apart from the PQ gear there is also legendary set gear for each class, Shadowknight's being able to purchase theirs from the
    Rygor Faction Merchant in Eastern Wastes and Thurg Merchant on Thurg Docks. (These items have Yellow Slot Adornments). They will not be listed as they are easily viewable from either merchant, and are about on par with PQ Gear.

    Tower of the Frozen Shadow Gear (Red Slot Adornments)-

    Necklace- \aITEM -1712960537 1090935947:[Looming Sadness Gorget]\/a
    \aITEM -1829063787 1927740801:Shroud of the Frozen Ancients\/a
    Breastplate Pattern- \aITEM 315162043 -566174434:Umbral Primal Velium Breastplate\/a
    Belt- \aITEM 75586462 1962740675:Girdle of the Mistress' Rage\/a Finger- \aITEM 315103590 1549497928:[Blood Pearl Band]\/a
    Finger- \aITEM -1707356141 -2056001842:[Xalgoti's Ring of the Shadowbeast]\/a
    Wrist- \aITEM -100666676 1036311521:[Bracelet of Strange Prongs]\/a
    Ear- \aITEM 1611849983 -2012273357:Skeletal Fingerbone Studs\/a
    Ear- \aITEM 157015932 -1554228641:[Romero's Decomposing Bauble]\/a
    Charm- \aITEM -1618285201 -2117296175:[Vial of the Bathory]\/a
    Ranged- \aITEM 1864094944 444367350:[Bow of Spun Silk]\/a
    1H- \aITEM -1951096429 1040382444:[Sword of the Dead]\/a

    There are also fabled quest rewards from the x2
    Charm- \aITEM -667041684 -38653404:Eye of the Shadow Beast\/a
    2H- \aITEM -854199386 1687327551:Shadowed Glaive\/

    Before EM Zones there are also a few contesteds that are killable in order to get loot, others will be more difficult. Generally these have
    Red Adornment Slots.

    Ponzer The Propugnator (X2)
    Ranged- \aITEM 703497824 -202885274:Bow of the Kromzek Champion\/a
    1H- \aITEM -27528329 1197906820:Sledge of the Propugnator\/a

    Blazebody x3
    Finger- \aITEM -1136495469 560044077:Dancing Fire Sapphire Band\/a

    Tantor XII (
    Yellow Slot Adornments) 2H- \aITEM -138781563 795230656:Blade of the Beastslayer\/a

    Soren The Vindicator (Hard (not for surreal lolz),
    Red Slot Adornments) 1H- \aITEM 746544508 -1991268434:Blade of Vindication\/a
    2H- \aITEM -1561306465 1978985457:Greataxe of Rallos' Chosen\/a

    Easy Mode Loot (Red Slot Adornments)
    Helm- \aITEM 99309854 2056541756:Blood Lord's Irebound Barbute\/a
    Shoulders- \aITEM -435661878 -881934284:Blood Lord's Irebound Pauldrons\/a
    Forearms - \aITEM -236810883 -1850888037:Blood Lord's Irebound Vambraces\/a
    Hands- \aITEM 475522603 597395108:Blood Lord's Irebound Gauntlets\/a
    Breastplate- \aITEM 99309854 2056541756:Blood Lord's Irebound Barbute\/a
    Pants- \aITEM 206895354 -925841974:Blood Lord's Irebound Greaves\/a
    Boots- \aITEM -324146060 1497723798:Blood Lord's Irebound Sabatons\/a
    Cloak- \aITEM -236810883 -1850888037:Blood Lord's Irebound Vambraces\/a
    \aITEM 390262394 1298805279:[Polished Mithril Plated Girdle]\/aNecklace- \aITEM -995735835 979702660:[Torque of the Imperator's Touch]\/aEar- \aITEM 1411109502 -1451930900:Hoop of the Kromzek King\/aEar- \aITEM 1827094516 2020664201:Stud of Valdemar\/aRing- \aITEM -374041083 -1720416321:[Ring of Deathless Fealty]\/aRing- \aITEM 455258683 -1832665475:[Splintered Gem of Freezing Winds]\/aWrist- \aITEM -1431345333 1665947627:Hoop of Kael\/aWrist- \aITEM 1586173720 -722759472:[Glacial Protective Wrist brace]\/aCharm- \aITEM 2089573021 1346952129:War Shard of the Temple\/aCharm- \aITEM -1941350261 1056014963:Fragmented Token of Loyalty\/a
    \aITEM 1524692387 880709202:[War Sword of Elemental Anger]\/a2H- \aITEM 58838921 835707078:Taaltak's Cleave\/aShield- \aITEM 418624833 1152388117:Mikill's Shroud of Flurried Strikes\/a
    Ranged- \aITEM -1983227229 -168489870:Bow of Zealousness\/a

    Hard Mode (Red Slot/Yellow Adornments)
    Helm- \aITEM 2089506377 991913108:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Barbute\/a
    Shoulders- \aITEM 2089506377 991913108:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Barbute\/a
    Forearms - \aITEM -532652188 1067751025:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Vambraces\/a
    Hands- \aITEM -383696269 -1919770546:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Gauntlets\/a
    Breastplate- \aITEM -1258220641 245632324:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Breastplate\/a
    Pants- \aITEM 206895354 -925841974:Blood Lord's Irebound Greaves\/a
    Boots- \aITEM -1781669085 -2130062466:Blood Lord's Wrathbound Sabatons\/a
    Cloak- \aITEM 418624833 1152388117:Mikill's Shroud of Flurried Strikes\/a Belt- \aITEM 1931004303 -389469503:Looped Belt of Sacrifice\/aNecklace- \aITEM -181832708 1821185728:Choker of the Imperator's Touch\/aEar- \aITEM 1567099629 -1937872330:Razor Edged Stud of Valdemar\/aEar- \aITEM 1704257383 1971734852:Stud of Sharded Lightning\/aRing- \aITEM -672958734 131037690:Ring of the Sleetsaber Guard\/aRing- \aITEM 628445900 -1559442582:Ring of Undying Fealty\/aWrist- \aITEM 1729903615 -1209499427:Bangle of Falling Stars\/aWrist- \aITEM -1825027156 -1640049382:Clasp of Freezing Winds\/aCharm- \aITEM 1604405210 -1508875827:Velium Armor Stud\/aCharm- \aITEM -401375362 2016784126:A Cold Flamed Torch\/a
    \aITEM -1198240141 2113242001:Edge of Pure Elemental Fury\/a2H- \aITEM -504007591 464670664:[Taaltak's Blade of Pain]\/aShield- \aITEM 177662375 -1523084440:[Wall of Impenetrability]\/a Ranged- \aITEM 1148782103 -792256315:Bow of the Temple\/a
    That's pretty much it as far as raid gear is concerned, once your full HM and Soren your done. Until the new zones anyway.

    Now for Adornments, obviously there are a ton to use in DoV, each faction merchant sells specific adornments for each faction, most of our good ones coming out of Rygor (Class Specific) or Thurgadin (Crit Mit Adorns). Again I am not going to list those adornments here because they are easily viewable from the specific merchants, this is more of a raid drop thread. I've decided to lump the War Runes into 3 catagories, Offensive, Defensive, and Utility based.

    \aITEM -577006168 -1414673092:Bane of the Kromzek\/a (Single target damage, bonus vs giants, nerfed but still good)
    \aITEM 107906212 -912698492:Elemental Detonation\/a (Procs aoe damage)
    \aITEM 357121483 -625022229:prophetic Affliction\/a (Mental damage, arcane debuff)
    \aITEM 330299021 -480671636:Quenching Stream\/a (Cold damage, elemental debuff)
    \aITEM -383332896 -254926784:Relentless Will\/a (Increases personal trigger chance of spells, and also reduces incoming damage)
    \aITEM -83012187 -664045655:Rime Strike\/a (Increases stats, and does damage)
    \aITEM -1439463804 1666671916:Smothering Affliction\/a (Posion damage, nox debuff)
    \aITEM 1373323331 1602934823:Torrent of Incantations\/a (Magic damage)
    \aITEM -1689368468 -136960272:Torrent of Rime\/a (Cold damage)
    \aITEM -1258727268 -1022902963:Torrent of Toxins\/a (Posion damage)
    \aITEM 1329230626 -331677351:Total Annihilation\/a (Stat increaser, Strikethrough proc)
    \aITEM 2002136382 959714349:Unleashed\/a (Increases ability mod)
    \aITEM 335196732 -1414277953:Virulent Ire\/a (Ire proc with damage (threat positional proc))

    \aITEM 684447325 -262301636:Draft of Velium\/a (Damage Proc)
    \aITEM 157400549 223483954:Glacial Deflection\/a (Aoe prevent, useless for mt roles)
    \aITEM 2082065722 1574370:Resolution of War\/a (Increases unconscious health)
    \aITEM -1260715349 -1594926727:Velium Dominion\/a(Detrimental effect immunity (stun, stifle, fear, daze, mez))
    Utility:\aITEM 2102771362 1890063271:Dain's Legacy\/a (Increases potency 10%)
    \aITEM -495288029 -2067740991:Manalink\/a (Increases power over time)
    \aITEM 495626562 433473712:Winds of the Tundra\/a (group damage modifier)

    The public quest raids also drop two adornments that can be useful to use.
    \aITEM 298737145 -91568943:Rune: Fervor I\/a (Stun/Stifle immunity proc)
    \aITEM 914558765 643811251:Rune: Greater Mana Sprinkles I\/a (More of a direct power proc than manawell)

    AA setups are also extremely important when raiding, for most of the Shadowknight and Shadows Trees its basically personal choice for those selections, though id recommend the endlines in both trees (Blood Siphon, Shadowknight's Furor and Essence Siphon. The heroic tree is basically the same way but the preferable endline seems to be Zealous Smite which is an AE Harm touch (less powerful) combined with a group cure that can be cast under detrimental effects.

    The main issue with AA people have is they get confused on the crusader tree (mainly because there is always 1 spec people seem to move towards in an xpac, that and the other trees are basically personal preference with choices being obvious).
    Personally my trees look a bit like this
    STR 5-7-10-1-1
    AGI 4-10
    WIS 6-6-10-1-8
    INT 6-10-10-1

    I personally like this setup for the hate benefit you get out of STR line and the ability reuse, recovery, and cast speed. Trample for adds (AOE auto attack), fear immunity (though i haven't seen any DoV mobs fearing) and Fearless Morale, and Legionnaire's conviction (though its not as **** as it used to be). This is an older setup and i have not found the time to change anything up as its working pretty well with DoV as an all around tanking spec.

    I also notice several people speccing for Crusader's Faith as I've heard it makes considerably less work for raid healers, I have yet to parse it out in act and see if its worth it or not.

    I realize many people spec differently and if you post your crusader tree the way i have mine posted i will add it to the thread. Please specify what your AA spec is for (DPS, MT, OT, etc). I will also add gear people request, and update this thread regularly