Shadow knight bugs and issues!

Discussion in 'Shadowknight' started by ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Mana Sieve seems to still critical, its a heal and should not critically apply.

    Siphon Strength seems to proc reaver, so I can use it over and over again for almost free healing (which allows me to pretty much solo heal myself through hard encounters, normally I would not be able to do without a free 1500-2000ish heal every second), I think this is a bug/exploit and not intended, since its almost a free heal everytime I use it (using the low level version of the spell it costs almost no mana), and at high end its reuse is almost nothing, and it takes less then half a second to cast.

    Please make siphon strength not proc reaver and Mana Sieve not critically apply.
    Another fix would be to give Siphon Strength a 1 minute reuse instead of a 1 Second Reuse, I don't think it was intended to be a free heal every second.
  2. ARCHIVED-Raviel Guest

    its no wonder the shadowknight community hates us you
  3. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Raviel@Guk wrote:
    I just made this SK and I already found some bugs not listed on the issues list.
  4. ARCHIVED-Raviel Guest

    and trying to nerf them farther benefits anybody how? who cares if their mana heal criticals really?
  5. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Raviel@Guk wrote:
    What nerfs? This is a bug, fighter heals should not critical.
  6. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    You are acting extremely Bruener-rish
  7. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    I remember him complaining about my abilitys and listing they're problems and making them 1 second to 45-1 minute reuse.
    But this is a bigger problem, siphon strength should not be a huge heal, its a debuff, it should be listed under debuffs, not as a spell.

    Siphon Strength at 90 with decent gear takes 0.15 seconds to cast, and has a 1 second reuse with 50% Reuse Speed, it also procs reaver, its easily spammable if you make a macro with it.
  8. ARCHIVED-Raviel Guest

    2% heals are big deals now?
  9. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Raviel@Guk wrote:
    An Easy fix would be to make it a Mastery: Ordination instead of a spell, like defiler debuffs.
  10. ARCHIVED-Raviel Guest

    your not going to solo anything worth mentioning by spamming siphon strength, good job on blowing it out of proportion though.
  11. ARCHIVED-DMIstar Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Mana Sieve is not a lieftap ~ nor does it heal any on its own ......
    Siphon Strenght does not consecutively proc reaver either, even though one idiot would sit there and cast it only not knowing what he is doing ~ even if it somehow did, which logs say it doesn't a 355 health on conentrateing on that for the duration of its reuse time would be meaningless and would just die off anyway.
    At least know what your testing first ~
  12. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Istar@Mistmoore wrote:
    Mana Sieve "IS" a heal, it heals Mana, but its a "Heal"
    Siphon Strength procs "reaver's mania" I guess thats not reaver. :/
  13. ARCHIVED-DMIstar Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    why am i bothering ?

    No where in game mechanic will it show or even consideres mana regen/replenish as a heal component, Not in this game, not in EQ ... There was no restriction made on Mana regen or replenishments not allowed to critical ....
    As for Siphon Strength it realy doesnt matter, My logs showed it does not artificaily take on each cast, which means many other characters made will do the same thing... Maybe your account needs to be nerfed ~
  14. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    LoL, not going to give up on Adrenaline argument during SF beta?
    Seriously, the ability with the new AA capping its reuse at 1 minute was OP'd beyond belief. Its why it was nerfed. I pointed it out during beta when the reuse was allowed to easily cap and pointed out how OP'd of a single survivability ability it was. It should have been fixed than, probably by simply extending the reuse some and shortening the duration. Its the mororns that fought it tooth and nail so that Zerkers could literally be the top tank of SF by using just a single ability over and over and cycling everything else in between. Sounds a lot like Brawlers right now in fact. Hopefully they don't change all the Brawler abilities the same way the outright changed Adrenaline and instead take the very same advice I gave than. Extend the reuse and shorten some durations.
    Good thread though Talathion...lets get this junk fixed right after they fix everything else wrong with the class that has completely caused it to lag behind. Starting with changing the dozen EoF AAs that are useless due to reuse and heals not critting, the Epic Buff, adding some more temp survivability buffs, bringing DPS back to the levels they should be, and fixing the stupid strike thru mechanic from incoming damage.
  15. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    They need to make heals critical again.
  16. ARCHIVED-Bremer Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    Yes, you pointed out that you hadn't inspected the spell, didn't know the recast, had no idea what exactly it was doing and that it had to be nerfed.
  17. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    The funny thing is you can do it while running and casting too (at full speed) [This is before casting and moving was allowed], even with the new changes.
  18. ARCHIVED-Bruener Guest

    Bremer wrote:
    You were wrong. You still are. The ability was OP'd beyond belief and with the AA allowed you to easily cap the reuse on it to 1 minute. 30 seconds of 50% damage reduction on a 1 minute recast. Its why it was nerfed finally after seeing a whole expansion of Zerkers being the top tank in survivability because of that one single ability.
    You guys acted like a bunch of babies back than instead of making recommendations to keep it from getting nerfed so much.
    I expect the same reaction though when they re-align Brawlers because of the same exact issue.
  19. ARCHIVED-InsaneChaosMarine Guest

    Bruener wrote:
    Now we just need some Health like all the other tanks, i'm tired at sitting at 38k HP when SKs/Guardians/Paladins/Brawlers have the same gear and have 45-50k HP.

    I hope to see Brawler's "Avoidance" looked at, they pretty much are running around with 75% Avoidance and 40% Physical Damage Reduction (and plate mitigation) at ALL Times, with a huge Magic Damage Ward (monk) and stoneskins (bruiser).
    Oh, Did I mention Strikethrough Immunity?
  20. ARCHIVED-Kaarim Guest

    Talathion@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Really 38k HP? I could get our MT zerker to tell you how to play yours his HP is 44K self buffed.

    Also Manasieve has no heal component on it so not sure what you are talking about critical healing. It's not a lifetap it heals no HP. It siphon's mana. The Siphon Strength is considered a spell that's why it procs reaver.

    I'm kinda surprised is your HP really 38k? lol. I'll tell my guild mate to send you a tell to help you out if you need help playing and building your class. He's pretty good, does sick DPS too in a tank group.