Several Questions

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-benda2006, Feb 22, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-benda2006 Guest

    Hello, everyone! I have several questions about the wizard class. I thought that making on big topic that has all my questions stated at the top and everyone can post their opinions on them. So here goes.
    1) What is the best way to go for the character development abilities and all three AA trees to maximize dps in a raid setting? I noticed that I am not getting that much dps in a raid setting and I am hoping that getting my AA's set correctly will help with that.
    2) What are the best adornments out there that are good for wizards? Please give a rundown for every slot that an adornment can be attached to and give the exact name of it. I will be looking up what I will need to get for materials to make them. I will be adding them to my t2 shard armor as soon as I get them. Will alos get extras for when I get some good fabled gear from raiding.
    3) To help raise my dps some more, whats the best way to set up your hotbars to maximize dps? I have read some fo the guide stickied at the top of this forum for a general idea of how to setup my hotbars to get a good casting order going. What do you guys use for a casting order?
    Thanks for all your opininos and comments ahead of time. I'm sure my guildmates and i will appreciate it if I can start raising my dps in raids. :)
  2. ARCHIVED-Scythien Guest

    These questions have all been answered before somewere through some searching.
    1) AA's
    Master 2: Magma Chamber
    Sorcerer: Common choice is
    STR 4/4/4/8 | AGI 4/4*/6*/8/(2) | WIS 4/7/4/8/(2) *= whichever you prefer to put 6 in
    Wizard: Max Fire & Ice Trees
    Shadows: Any that increases base damage/crit chance/bonus etc and all end abilities etc.
    2) Adorns. From Daray's guide:
    Chest: Smoldering Prismatic Applique (alchemist): +7str, +7sta, +7agi, +7wis, +7int
    Cloak: Smoldering Metaphysical Lining (provisioner): Flowing Thought 4
    Ears: Smoldering Intellectual Backing (jeweler): +16int
    Feet: Smoldering Gritty Spurs (armorer): +16sta
    Forearms: Smoldering Savvy Splint (armorer): +16wis
    Gloves: Smoldering Occult Stitching (tailor): +30 spell damage
    Head: Scintillating Epiphanic Imprint (tailor): +100 power
    Legs: Smoldering Gritty Brace (armorer): +16sta
    Neck: Smoldering Occult Clasp (weaponsmith): +30 spell damage
    Primary: Smoldering Magi’s Second Sight (tailor): +2 Damage Spell Crit
    Ranged: Scintillating Spellbound Ornament (carpenter): +1 Damage spell Crit
    Rings: Smoldering Epiphanic Polish (alchemist): +100 power
    Secondary: Scintillating Spellbound Ornament (carpenter): +1 Damage spell Crit
    Shoulders: Scintillating Rugged Straps (tailor): +100 health
    Waist: Smoldering Archmage’s Buckle (armorer): +6 disruption, +6 subjugation
    Wrists: Smoldering Intellectual Fastening (alchemist): +16int
    3) Casting order varies slightly from wizard to wizard but find a basic order in the forums somewhere and use Guild Hall Training dummies to find what works best for you. Tempest/Fission/Bolt of Ice and Ball of Magma are your best friends tho usually.
    Although not updated for TSO, should give a casting order in there somewhere, as well as more detailed answers to other questions to work yourself around.