server lag-again

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by thases, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. thases New Member

    lag is getting so bad of late that it is causing crashes and delays in casting,, running,,, everything.
    it seems to come in spikes and IS NOT isp related as it affects people from across the country.
    while I understand that fixing certain mobs in certain zones is important and all, but it seems that general playability might be something SOE might want to consider
  2. Seliri Well-Known Member

    :oops: .__. ...may it soon pass... .__. :oops:
    Barbachauf and Guroleil like this.
  3. Schutz New Member

    no lag earlier, then as soon as i zone into OP, lag got worse then got booted to select screen.
  4. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    I don't hardly ever see lag.
  5. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Wait. That is practically a double negative. Are you trying to say that you almost never see lag, or that you see lag almost all the time? o_O (I'm guessing the first, but I didn't want to assume.)
  6. CoLD MeTaL Well-Known Member

    My apologies for the colloquialism and double negative.

    I rarely experience any server lag. But I am on a ghost town of a server, Guk.
  7. Vagrant Storm Active Member

    I've been playing on Permafrost and I haven't noticed any serious lag. Some houses and guild halls of course take a bit to load, but that is to be expected.

    Maybe those server populations of "Heavy" are actually accurate? I haven't checked more than once or twice, but Permafrost has been light or medium at all times I've been playing.
  8. thases New Member

    again this eve...major lag spikes, random times. about a third of raid force, all at the same time. people from all across the country. one couple raiding together in same room - he was having the spikes, she was not. and this is all very new, only in the past few weeks have these spikes been so bad