Sentinel’s Fate In-game Armor and Highland Stalker Video!

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Dec 18, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Last week, we brought you a sneak peek at the Armored Highland Stalker mount and the figurine that comes with the Collector's Edition of Sentinel's Fate! This week, we have the in-game appearance armor that comes with the retail and digital download versions of the expansion.
    [IMG] The Guarding of the Reasoned comes with the retail boxes and the Guarding of the Learned with the digital downloads.
    Even better, we have a short video of the armored and unarmored options for the Highland Stalker mount that come with the Collector's Edition of Sentinel's Fate.
    Click the picture above for the movie, or for a smaller download, **click here**!
  2. ARCHIVED-Dragowulf2 Guest

    Why are their eyes closed? They look like Cheshire cat.
    Animations are great but the art/model of the cat is just horrid. I'm sorry, but it's honestly constructive criticism.
  3. ARCHIVED-TheOrder20 Guest

    Agreed. I notice the model clipping itself in several places and the face is just unpleasant to look at.
  4. ARCHIVED-fireriven Guest

    To bad too had potential, everyone wanted a cat mount but we got a mutant thing instead.
  5. ARCHIVED-Korven Guest

    Is the Guarding of the Reasoned the red or the blue robes?
  6. ARCHIVED-DukeOccam Guest

    I really like the armored one, and it's looking like I'm going to be pretty satisfied with it. I do have to agree a little bit on the unarmored one though. Its face just looks...weird. I think it must be the fur tufts. Realistic-looking fur is hard to do, and while it's one thing just showing a furry pelt, it's another thing entirely when the fur is such a major feature of the model.
  7. ARCHIVED-Dragowulf2 Guest

    I've rewatched and paused the video so many times and I still can't see his eyes, even when they look open.
  8. ARCHIVED-Grumpy_Warrior_01 Guest

    I think both mounts look great, you can bet I'll be pre-ordering. Thanks for the video clip, the animations are amazing. Now I just have to decide which one I like better :D
  9. ARCHIVED-Pahya Guest

    I really, really like the armor and am very happy to see the art team stretching their muscles and adding a bit of flavor.
  10. ARCHIVED-Darn Guest

    Hm. I like the ingame armor a lot (which one is which one btw?), thumbs up! The animation of the stalker is nice too. But the model of the head is still ... uhhhh ... they look ugly, sorry, animated version doesn't help this. Too big for the rider and the head is way out of proportion in my opinion.
  11. ARCHIVED-789mkii Guest

    As a possible change now,
    If the size of head is reduced a little more, it is likely to become better?

    For exsample 100%→90%→80%→75%
  12. ARCHIVED-fireriven Guest

    Gonna name mine cringeer
  13. ARCHIVED-zelocka01 Guest

    Actually looking at it I think it’s not so much that the head is too big as the body behind the head is too unfluffy and flat. You have a super fluffy head and then basically a flat fur body. That’s making the head look out of place. You need to fluffy up that area from the neck to the mid shoulders and the head won’t look out of place.
  14. ARCHIVED-DukeOccam Guest

    I think 789mkii has a point. The head looks just massive. His 80% or 75% heads look much more natural. A normal lynx's head isn't that big:
    I tried to get a screencap from the video, but that's not working out so well. Just pause it right after the two mounts are done rearing up. The head on the unarmored one is as tall as the rest of the body. It does look a little like the luck dragon from Neverending Story, lol.
  15. ARCHIVED-Graywindnz Guest

    While the armor looks great it looks like the designers are adding padding to the females Chest piece again!!! We had this problem with most of the TSO robes can we not get this done right??
  16. ARCHIVED-pinba11 Guest

    Since when do Lynx has a docked tail ?

    What is it with SOE designers and cutting tails off , it looks wrong , so wrong !
  17. ARCHIVED-Solarax Guest

    the cats still have bicepts!
    thier legs are 30% shorter than they should be and the haunches are all wrong.
  18. ARCHIVED-Jarnvargr Guest

    The armor looks fine and the armor & animation on the mount is great. But the head ...? Is lynx going to be the only choice, and will it remain so out of proportion with its body?
    If the answers are yes ... then the mount is certainly not encouraging me to pre-order.
  19. ARCHIVED-Littlelove Guest

    Xenar@Runnyeye wrote:
    Since when did Lynx ever have long tails?

    Make the head smaller and the legs longer. Otherwise you would have to pay me to buy the collector's edition. This just looks ridiculous.
  20. ARCHIVED-acctlc Guest

    Personally I'm liking what I see of the mounts. Considering what the wargs with their drool, and the dire bears looked like..that kitty is gorgeous. Whether or not they are 30 dollars gorgeous is personal preferance but to me seems like most ppl are nitpicking at this point. Just hope the actual riding animation isn't rough..definitely looks smoother than those ridiculous rhino's tho. I hope my fae looks like she's riding a little lynx kitten if it properly scales to a model that small!