Sebilis 2 is broke

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Quda, Mar 13, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Quda Guest

    For the first time my group discovered that their can be a Sebilis 2. Which is great, Tired of zoning in to over 100 people sitting at the door.
    Only problem is you don't get the option to change instances if your group is split between the two.
    I zoned into Sebilis first, and went into Seb1, apprently I was just enough to have it create a Seb2. The rest of the group zoned into Seb2. Not a problem, tried right clicking their name to zone into their instance, guess what it DON'T work. Don't even get the option. Hmmm. So I invis and zone out. Go to zone back in Seb and only get the option to zone into Seb1!!!! There wasn't enough people in Seb1 to create a Seb2 for me when I was ready to zone in.
    Well we was in a raid, so maybe it was because of raid. So we dropped group and created our own. Still the same outcome. And I remember that the patch notes that talked about it, said something about being able to still zone into your groups instance.
    Luckily there was another group going to COA that I was able to follow, but if the patch notes says you can do something, shouldn't you be able to do it?
  2. ARCHIVED-Rqron Guest

    Did you /bug it?
    If not then this will be happening again until its fixed after it was /bugged by someone. It obviously is a bug somewhere in the software. If the dev doesn't know he can't fix it. And he will not know it from this board. And its a bug that only occurs when there are enough people to create a seblis2.
