screen too dark

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ardrek, Apr 26, 2013.

  1. Ardrek Member

    I'm in the common lands and it's raining and pretty much it's a simulated night time ... I guess.

    My screen is WAY too dark, I can't see anything.

    How can I increase my visibility and make things brighter, as it is, I'm thinking of logging off until the rain stops.
  2. Filly67 Well-Known Member

    I believe it is alt L that turns on your torch but it only sheds a bit of light around you.
  3. Cuelaen Well-Known Member

    Have you tried increasing your "gamma" settings? I don't even know if that's in this game, but in eq1 I played a human monk for a while, and was pretty much blind at night time(this was before defiant gear, and the free infravision lol) and then someone suggested turning up the gamma a notch, and this difference was night and day...literally heh
  4. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    gamma settings are in the ALT-O, select the advanced option for more control