SC for Potions of Progress

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Goldra, Jul 5, 2014.

  1. Goldra Active Member

    How about putting the Potions of Progress on the Marketplace? Those are wonderful! You aren't spending all your time trying to craft something that can fail anyways. It'd be great!
  2. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    It's been brought up before. They've said 'no'. An alt currency method has been suggested. They haven't said 'no' to that. ;)
    Calthine, Feara and Mermut like this.
  3. Mindsway Well-Known Member

    That would sell, although I've always wanted them to have some sort of exchange system so I could ditch the other potions since I seldom use them.
  4. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    They would obviously sell, but they would also trivialize crafting a great deal. They already trivialized the shawl quest. The weekly hasn't been as much of a headache because of existing stockpiles. Where do you think they'll go with crafting quests if progress potions are more readily available? It will only get more tedious and people will be back to complain about that, asking why the devs did what they did.
  5. Feara Well-Known Member

    It is my hope that Potions of Progress only be sold/exchanged by a future Tradeskill currency.
    Kuulei and Mermut like this.
  6. Almee Well-Known Member

    I fail to see why Progress Potions trivialize crafting. Is the purpose of crafting to give us carpal tunnel syndrome or to craft?

    The closest thing I have ever come, to carpal tunnel syndrome, was from making 30 afghans in a month for a craft fair. Other than that, only crafting and harvesting, in EQ II, has ever hurt my hands. Sixty years, of real-life crafting, professionally, didn't come close.

    Please don't repeat all the tips about crafting--I know them and use them. I'm sure it doesn't bother a lot of people but I'm older so my hands have been through the mill.

    As someone, who has used their hands way too much in life, I have come to appreciate what the wear-and-tear does to our hands over time.

    I really hate the thought of that happening to others so I have suggested changes that would minimize stress to the hands and I think SoE is trying to change things without upsetting the traditionalists. Potion of Progress is one of the things that helps save our hands.

    Saving our hands is no trivial matter. For example, one health-care system reports: "The most common type of athletic injuries we treat...are repetitive stress injuries or (RSI). As the term implies, these are...injuries caused by accumulative and repetitive activities." [].

    The site,, states: "Repetitive motion injuries make up over 50% of all athletic-related injuries seen by doctors and result in huge losses in terms of cost to the workforce." [].

    Even if you are independently wealthy, or retired and no longer work, RSI can still cost you quality-of-life, as I well know. The pain lingers whether you are doing anything or not which makes it difficult to enjoy life. The pain even invades your dreams.

    One way, to keep the traditionalists from screaming, "nerf," would be to simply require fewer clicks when crafting but keep the time, to make and item, the same. For example, when crafting Frostfell items. my level 95 crafters average 20+ clicks per item just to keep it from failing. That is insane--unless you have mass production. Even with that, I have to limit the number of unique items I make at one sitting.

    Making these crafts would be so much easier, on us, if the lower-level crafts took the same time, but required less keystrokes to make the item. Most of us watch TV or listen to the radio while we work anyway. What "crafting" difference would it make as long as we are spending the same time to craft the item? It isn't like we are really learning to craft something and need our full attention on what we are doing.

    So while I would absolutely love to buy Potions of Progress I think it is more realistic to ask SoE to keep the time, to craft an item, but require fewer keystrokes. Or, if SoE is feeling especially grateful to all of us long-term vets, maybe they will give us both :)
    Kuulei, Mindsway and Malfaer like this.
  7. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Athletic related injuries (repetitive stress or not) would not cover "video game" induced injuries at my hospital. (Yes, I work in medicine).. Repetitive stress injuries can happed in non athletic settings (texting, poor lifting habits, bad posture, there are a ton of ways we add wear and tear to our bodies every single day by overuse or poor use of our body and it's optimal mechanics.

    I don't think a game company should bear responsibility over that.

    If I see a patient with a benign repetitive stress injury? Guess what? Stop doing the thing that makes it hurt. Soe doesn't hold a gun to our heads all while screaming "craft harder!". We are responsible for our own actions. I have seen you mention in other posts saying you are decorating 40 ish homes and play many hours a day. That could take a real toll.

    Tldr? If mashing buttons hurts, take a break. Pace yourself.
    Calthine, Mermut and Deveryn like this.
  8. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    I'm 100% certain there is no gun to anyone's head forcing them to craft a ridiculous amount of items in a short amount of time. The fault lays solely on the individual who can't seem to help themselves and remember to take breaks. I would even suggest considering whether or not you should really be playing if you can't handle a few clicks here and there.
    Avahlynn and Calthine like this.
  9. Calthine Well-Known Member

    That's insane, because those shouldn't be that hard for a level 95 crafter unless you're making something way out of your Archetype.

    Something to remember is that every Archetype's reaction arts have different benefits. So if you're crafting outside your Archetype (a Provi making Frostfell Cards, perhaps) knowing the differences might be useful.

    Crafting is significantly easier than it was at launch, but if you want to learn to use your arts more efficiently, this guide might be useful.

    Oh - I wouldn't pay for Progress Pots. They're handy now and then, but I do not need then (nor does my tendonitis).
    Avahlynn likes this.
  10. Malfaer Member

    The only time I want them is for the weekly combine, where for some reason making it take forever counts as difficulty. I wouldn't mind some way of obtaining more potions of progress/innovation for that (though I wouldn't pay for them with SC), but I'd settle for allowing shawl/AA effects on these combines. They're rare enough that they wouldn't trivialize it any more than it already is.

    Time != challenge. Time = boredom.
  11. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    You get them by coaching your apprentice. :) I get at least 1-2 a week, plenty for the long combine from the TOV weekly.
  12. Malfaer Member

    Yeah I know, but I don't get a chance to log in every day and do it (I'm lucky to log in 2-3 times a week), and when I do I get a stack of fish as often as I get a potion of innovation. :)

    It's not a critical need or anything, I'm just saying the weekly is boring. :p
  13. Feara Well-Known Member

    All the TS potions are very useful. I have found many uses for progress potions and am very thankful for them.

    In the beginning I did not want to see them offered in any other way than the way they are now but realizing that not all players have 9 TS toons they roll everyday like me I would like to see them obtainable for players but not by SC.

    I love how the Team rolled out these potions and I hope that they always offer them by Tradeskill effort only.
  14. Almee Well-Known Member

    I guess I failed to make myself clear on RMIs. Anyone can get them--that was my point. You don't have to have worn-out hands, like mine, to get a RMI. You can be young, and in superb physical condition, and still get one.

    I do pace myself, when crafting. Other than a little holiday crafting, and some tailoring and carpentry, my original 17 toons have been stuck at low crafting levels for 8 years. I find that very frustrating as I left WoW because EQ II was supposed to have great crafting.

    And it does have great crafting for most people. It is just some of us who have problems with the excessive keystrokes required to craft and harvest in EQ II.

    Fortunately, these problems are slowly being resolved without affecting the gameplay of people who have no physical limitations. I only notice them because my hands don't hurt after doing something that previously caused me a great deal of pain.

    If it was only me, I wouldn't even mention various features that cause me pain. It is only when I hear others, complaining about the same thing, that I bring it up in the forums.

    In this case, the Potion of Progress has been a great boon to those of us who have problems doing more than a half-a-level of crafting at a time. Between the potions, and the trade skill apprentices, I've actually been able to get my toons out of their teens and even have some above lvl 50 in crafts (in addition to my 3 lvl 95s).

    Thanks to these two features I'm actually enjoying most of my crafting. I like being able to craft things my toons need to succeed at adventuring. I'm also enjoying furnishing my houses. I think I've now got over 30 of them decorated.

    So, like many other players, I have tons of stuff to do in EQ II. My particular interest, in the next expansion, is what it will offer us that will make playing more convenient, such as more home portal objects, for travel, larger personal fuel depots, wardrobes, for all our outfits, etc. If they throw in some extra Potions of Progress I will be thrilled but I don't expect the lack of any particular perk to generate a deal breaker, for me, with the new expansion.
    Feara likes this.
  15. Feara Well-Known Member

    Speaking of Wardrobes I was thinking (which is never good :p) I wonder, I just wonder if they could allow the mannequins to actually hold the armor set instead of just showing the appearance.

    Wow, that would totally free up my space.
    Avahlynn likes this.
  16. Lateana Older than Dirt, Playing EQII since 2004

    Lucky you! I have 42 crafters doing the daily apprentice and most days I am lucky if I get one progress potion. I do get a lot of fish, and bountiful harvest potions though. :(
    Calthine and Avahlynn like this.
  17. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    RMI is about more than just the motion. It's about ergonomics. I had my own problems about 15 years ago. I developed a sort of lump on my wrist. I've been problem free since I added wrist support for the mouse and keyboard and got the right chair. I also do stretches and make sure to take breaks if I have a long session.
    Calthine likes this.
  18. Feara Well-Known Member

    aka = Bible Bump

    I have one of those. Has not went away but data entry is my middle name.
  19. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    I seem to get a lot of fish, too. And mangosteens. Always with