Saryn Deathcharger XP changes // using carpets and clouds for flight appearance

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Laera, May 22, 2014.

  1. Laera Member

    I've been gone awhile, and since it's ftp I thought I'd give EQ2 a try again (I find I'm increasingly disappointed at how dumbed down it's gotten in some places, but that's a post for another day) but today I went to mess with my mounts when I noticed the change to the Saryn Deathcharger, which was a reward from the old Recruit-a-Friend program.


    WHAT?! Since when did you have to been mentoring to get the bonus XP? That's crap. You never needed to mentor before to get the 10% bonus (in fact, eq2wiki still has the old stats: ), in fact the was the whole point of the reward! I went through a lot of trouble to make sure I had a few on each of my accounts and now they're useless (even more so with the advent of leaping and flying mounts it seems). This really ticks me off to no end; this was a special reward and the bonus should NOT have been changed.

    While I'm on the subject of mounts, I also find it annoying that that clouds and flying carpets can't be used as appearance mounts with flying mounts... that sort of defies logic. I mean, you fly place to place on clouds in KoS, and fly on carpets in DoF, so why wouldn't you be able to use them as flying appearance mounts. Devs wouldn't even have to change the animations; they already float off the ground. I was very much looking forward to using my Carpet of El'khazi and exceedingly disappointed when I couldn't.
  2. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    While I can't argue that it would make sense for things like the Carpet to be valid flying mount appearance items, I can tell you why they aren't. It's really quite simple: It's a matter of manpower.

    Right now, if any given mount can fly, it can be a flying appearance mount. If that particular mount can't fly, it can't be a flying appearance mount. In this way, it's easy and fast for SOE to flag. In order to implement what is logical, and I agree with you in that it does seem logical, SOE would have to review and tag every mount in the game individually as to whether it could be used as a flying mount. I can understand why they wouldn't want to spend that time.
  3. Wingrider01 Well-Known Member

    I think it has always been like that
    Mycenia likes this.
  4. VeilShard Active Member

    not entirely true, the mounts you get from aether races don't fly but can be used as appearance flying mounts like the gold/purple/green discs and also the other gnomish looking ones? I forget the name..

    so it's possible, and I don't see why if they don't need to change any animation at all like carpets and clouds why they can't also be used in the same way as the Aether race ones
  5. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    This seems to indicate otherwise:

    Note: If you can't see the picture above (and there have been quite a number of pictures from quite a range of sites that you haven't been able to see), it isn't my problem. I'm not going spend time looking for an image hosting site with which your firewall agrees. I'm not saying that to be a jerk, that search just isn't a productive use of my time.
  6. Kaedian66 Active Member

    The name of the effect does imply that one is not solo (having a friendly experience while alone is not a subject for this particular forum to discuss or debate, mastery of the latter is immaterial) and as such it would appear that this effect has been "corrected" over time much like the current "double exp" situation is now "corrected".