Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange (Solo) Help

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Zoe1, Dec 10, 2022.

  1. Zoe1 Member

    Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange (Solo) I need help with the strats of this zone please, from the start to end. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
  2. girney Active Member

    i get one shotted as soon as the scarecrow appears. very frustrating.
  3. Odur27 Member

    need to find someway to cure. Some of the dets are death on expire.
  4. girney Active Member

    there is no time to use anything as i get killed as soon as the named appears.
  5. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Perhaps you might try duoing with another person? I haven't been in there yet so I have no strat help yet, but I think I am headed there today, and I'll update the wiki when I do.
    girney and Zoe1 like this.
  6. girney Active Member

    tried it again and beat the first named. it appears that if one of the one legged mobs reaches the spore shooters and kills one then it is game over. previously i must have still had some mobs that were very close when the named appeared. it does tell you that if you lose home on the grange buff that you will die. this time there were not any undead orcs close to the shooters and i was able to attack and kill the named. yay. hope this helps
  7. AvenElonis Well-Known Member

    I think the adds need to slowed a bit more for folks on this zone.
  8. girney Active Member

    without high dps it is very hard to kill all the adds on the second wave and also hit the named. as a paly, i just dont have the dps yet to kill the second named. reminds me of suite of screams from last expac.
  9. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Well, my warlock, who is not low DPS, had a very hard time with this zone. I gave up after about three deaths. I lasted long enough for the scarecrow to spawn on the last try, but was buried by the adds. I had one of each type of plant up in each row, but I somehow still didn't have sufficient time to nuke all the advancing foes.

    If someone who knows the scripts in this zone would explain it more fully, I'd be thankful.
    Zoe1 likes this.
  10. girney Active Member

    using consecrate(dot) plus all my aoe spells i concentrated on killing the adds with the named getting damaged also by the dot and aoe. i tried to get the adds health down to where the defensive spitters could take care of them. occasionally i hit the named when i thought i had the adds far enough away from the spitters. after the first named is down you get a third row of spitters and another type which only hits legless adds. so far i cant kill the adds fast enough.
  11. Benj Well-Known Member

    (Disclaimer: I'm high enough DPS that I probably don't need to use any of the plants)

    Here's my strategy for beating this zone. I never use the ice plant, as I don't find the non-damaging snare that useful.

    For the first round, I use two rows of Spore Shooters (the basic damage plant). This round only contains one-legged orcs. Some are armored and take less damage, so I focus my personal DPS on the armored orcs, then attack whatever happens to be nearby. When the boss spawns, I focus all damage on him, using mostly AoE DPS.

    For the second round, I use one row of Spore Shooters and two rows of Spore Poppers (the low-flying damage plant). This round contains mostly legless orcs, though there are a few one-legged orcs as well. Again, I focus my DPS on the armored orcs and burn the boss with AoE DPS.

    For the third round, I use one row of Spore Poppers and three rows of Mega Spore Shooters. The Mega variant is a strict upgrade over normal Spore Shooters; it hits the same kinds of targets, but with extra direct and splash damage. This round contains legless, one-legged, and two-legged orcs. I keep some Poppers to deal with the legless orcs that the Mega can't hit. I focus my DPS on the armored and legless orcs, since they'll take less damage from the plants. Again, I burn the boss with AoE DPS. On all bosses (but mostly importantly this one), I cure detriments quickly and stand between rows of corn where I can't get hit by my own spore plants.
    Russel79 and Zoe1 like this.
  12. girney Active Member

    eliminating the ice plants worked. for the last named i only used one mega plant per row and had no problem. i did not know the plants could hit my toon.
  13. Benj Well-Known Member

    Only on the final boss. He casts a debuff that turns you into an orc skeleton, which makes you vulnerable to the spores. There's in-game chat text when this happens, and a fail text that appears when you get hit. Though most of the attacks in this zone don't deal much damage to me, a single hit from a mega spore can deal 50-60% of my health.
  14. Zoe1 Member

    Great advice, I was finally able to get this zone finished. I would add be ready on the first fight the mob will do a big knockback/knockup. Thank you!
  15. Benj Well-Known Member

    Sigrdrifa, Carizia and Zoe1 like this.
  16. Zoe1 Member

    Awesome write up!
  17. Dead Alt Account Well-Known Member

    Go back to VoV and get the flawless fervor buff. Gear and buff carry-overs FTW.
  18. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

  19. Lynetta New Member

    THANK YOU so much for that strat!!! It made a world of difference in getting through this zone. :)