Salt coated everything.

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Sskriit, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Sskriit Guest

    Writer's note: New transplant to EQ2 and learning the many-ropes. Lore references may be shaky, but are being researched. Additionally, looking for any clever folks who want to RP on Crushbone.
    Salt coated everything, from the stiffened, sodden canopies to the warm morning breeze that crested over the tops of the waves. No one at Faydedar Watch seemed to notice: fishermen dragged gleaming shoals of vermiculate fish up past the dock pylons and unceremoniously slit their pale bellies. The dockworkers turned their heads and coiled soaked, wrist-thick ropes into artful arrangements, ensuring a tangle-free unravel, and even Halsiee Seatear—that Dark Elf wench—paid no heed to the environment as she lay out her wares. Each mouthful of briny air reminded Sskriit that it would be a work of moments to conjure a vial of pristine, Sacred water and clear her mouth of the ocean. Sskriit gently scratched her nose, talons digging a furrow of salt from the minute fissures between her scales. Everything.
    At this hour, the docks were conspicuously absent of the usual throng of wayfarers and adventurers—including her unlikely Erudite companion. Late. Hadn’t he been complaining the night previous that their endless questing “to-do” hadn’t been completed to his satisfaction? That they needed to get an earlier start? Sskriit shifted, claws scratching the soft wood beneath her feet, and directed her unblinking, reptilian gaze at Chelzyk Gi’rul, resident Griffon trainer extraordinaire.
    “Have you heard the news about the K/T event?” she queried, a deceptive, sibilant rasp. Chelzyk remained as non-plussed as ever, and passed a shank of meat to his bird. Undeterred, Sskriit continued, shoving her snout a few inches closer. “The raptor is coming.”
    “That’s ‘rapture,’ my reptilian compatriot,” Austere sighed, blinking into existence with a bang of blue dust and a flourish of his great cape, “and you have no idea what you’re talking about.” He glared up at the smirking griffon trainer and offered up his most commanding tone of voice. “Butcherblock Mountains, for both of us. We’ve wasted enough time already.” As he swung up onto the back of the griffon, Chelzyk murmuring into the beast’s ear, the Erudite Wizard shook his head and remonstrated before Sskriit had a chance to reply. “Have you been standing out here all morning?” The griffon’s wings unfurled. “Salt is hydroscopic in nature—you’re going to be wearing a suit of plated rust in a week if you don’t get that taken care of.”
    And with that he was gone, griffon beating its proud wings against the horizon. Sskriit grumbled and clambered onto the back of another griffon, sinking her claws into the leather straps across his back.
    “You let a short little man like that boss an Inquisitor like you around? Ha!” Chelzyk grinned widely, displaying a massive row of needle-sharp teeth, and slapped the bird on the rump. “I’ll keep an eye on the announcements, friend.” Sskriit hunched more (if that was possible) and offered a half-hearted Blessing to the trainer as the griffon launched into the air to follow the Wizard.
    Unbelievable, and in her own hometown! Sskriit sorely missed the days before Austere had learned his portal spells and actually had to “shoulder” through a crowd of tall, narrow-eyed lizard men. Dragons, she corrected. Hybrids! Whatever. Although, an annoying voice reminded her, he conveniently bypasses Gorowyn traffic by leaping from platform to platform anyway.Infuriating. Why take the regulated lifts and portals when you could disrupt the merchants and piss off the training clans? Why not, when you had a native to explain your transgressions and offer a few coin to settle ruffled scales? Sskriit had half an archipelago to fume about his latest abrupt embarrassment, and by the time the griffon’s talons pounded across the dirt and came to a skittering halt, thin wisps of smoke were curling from her nostrils.
    “You listen,” she hissed, dismounting the griffon with a rattle of armor, one scaly claw leveled at the blue-skinned Wizard, “I’ve just about had enough—”
    “I’ve been here five minutes already. Did you pay the trainer to find the slowest thing with wings or did you just weigh it down?” Austere shoved two scrolls and a vial of something foul and viscous looking into his knapsack, and started up the mountain path. Sskriit exploded, a wave of red flames rocketing from her clawed fist. They rolled over the Wizard like churning lava and knocked him to his knees, scattering not-quite-packed scrolls and a few copper. Austere sneered. “Enforced Reverence? Really? Are you done with the theatrics now?”
    She relaxed her fist, and the flames vanished. “I guess.” Sskriit grinned, one tooth curling over her upper lip, and shouldered her backpack as he sputtered, clambered to his feet, and dusted off his baroque robes. “Ready to go?”
  2. ARCHIVED-hypocratic_oath Guest

    Very interesting and could be good, few points. first off you nailed the attitude of a eruidite (sp?) pretty well, but it took me a bit to relize the setting that they were in the gorowyn docks and at first i thought they were in butcher block already...thoughts seem a bit disjointed but that's fine because it breaks up tedium a bit. but you also didn't really establish what the relationship between the giant scaled freak and the smug cue-ball was; at first they seemed to be dating, but by the end it looked like a wizard hired her to protect him escort across BB after he became cruely sarcastic and she breathed fire on him for it.

    beyond that keep writing and i wanna see where this goes.