Sales Log Parser

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by StMatthew, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. StMatthew Member

    So I've done some searching through these forums, and others and while the topic is covered briefly here and there, it seems most links are broken, etc.

    That said. Does anyone know any sort of sales log parser??

  2. Cythera New Member

    Not sure of a parser for tracking sales out there, but you do have a file in your game folder you can search through.

    <Server>_<Character name>_eq2_storelog.txt

    The file contains information such as:
    06/08/2013 08:24 AM < I Removed Purchaser name > bought 1 Foolhardy Doll for 10g
    06/08/2013 10:08 AM You received 10g earned through consigned sales
  3. StMatthew Member

    Oh, i'm fully aware of the file, it's location and how to read it.

    What I want is a program I can import that file into and have it spit out some nice data for me.

    Currently i'm translating this to an Excel spreadsheet and making my own data charts - which is fine, BUT I have to do that each time the log file is updated (daily), and I don't have the overhead for that.

    There used to be at least two programs that did this for people, however neither of those can be found in downloadable format anymore.
  4. Whitetide Active Member

    What extract or reports are you specifically trying to end up with? Out of curiosity.
  5. StMatthew Member

    Sales reports mostly:

    - Top selling items (say top 5 out of 100 unique items sold)
    - Days of the week sold - what days are things moving on versus slow days
    - Price flux - a tracking of the price flux for individual items over a date range (sold items naturally)
    - Frequent buyers :)D)

    to name a few off the top of my head.
  6. Whitetide Active Member

    Ah. fair enough.
  7. Cythera New Member

  8. StMatthew Member

  9. Cythera New Member

    This one seems to be working. But is it ever slow. I should have picked an alt that I hardly log on so the file was smaller for testing this. This one lets you build queries. Has a lot of parameters to build the query from. Might fit your needs. But it does take a long time to process the selected log file.

    *Bah, running into an error executing the queries....Next

    edit 2: Ok. After getting it set up right it actually does work. It takes some playing with. You can even read your log file and dump it into excel.
  10. StMatthew Member

    Yep. Tried that one as well.

    I even tried commercial (via demo) generic log parser programs...there is some functionality there for sure...but its just as much labor as me doing it to my specifications in Excel - which I want to get away from.