Run Animations

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Ashgrivm, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Ashgrivm New Member

    So, I just resubbed. Rolled a Paly, Meh, tried to get back into my Ranger....Meh. Decided to try a Beastlord. LOVE IT. This class feels more like a ranger than the ranger does. But thats not what this is about, although Kudos to the Devs for making this class even though I am 2 years late into it.

    What I'm wondering is are you guys ever going to fix the run animations in game? withought a speed buff my toon feels stiff, with a speed buff its like my toon is having a seizure. Its horrible. Back when this game was released I never noticed this, but now its just so, so, disturbing that animation like this is even there, especially from a company like SOE. Everything else is wonderful in the animation department. It just seems like all pride in ones work with this one thing went the way of the toilet and thats sad.

    Anyways, just wondering if this will ever be looked at? Oh and yes I have a good connection and 30+FPS rate.
  2. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Roll a fairy, you'll never look derpy running again! Dancing, that's another story.

    I've just come back and rolled a beastlord too, omg awesome fun! I just wish it could use a bow.
  3. Ashgrivm New Member

    Yeah, maybe I will roll a fairy. Just can't handle the Derp.
  4. Mozil Active Member

    Speaking of beastlords and run animations, some of the warder models could use some adjusting because they were clearly not given animation tweaks to account for following players around. One of my beastlords has that blue monitor lizard from Timorous Deep and the poor thing appears to be having constant full body seizures. BEAUTIFUL model, but the whole thing falls apart when you're not standing still.

    It seems pretty obvious that it was only animated to account for sitting in the zone and occasionally lurching to attack players, and when it was picked to be a warder they just took the existing animation and sped it up 500% or something. o_O
  5. Kilar Active Member

    Beastlords can use bows. They are part of the 'Scout' Class. Although some items are specific to BL's, Rangers etc most items for Scouts can be used for all Scout Sub-Classes.
    Charlice likes this.
  6. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Omg thank you! Everything I'd read said they couldn't. Off to make a bow now :)
  7. DreadRoberts Active Member

    Hey! I'm all Ranger, baby. And my dance is full of win! ;)
    Ashgrivm, Charlice and Avahlynn like this.
  8. Avahlynn Well-Known Member

    Charlice and DreadRoberts like this.
  9. Ashgrivm New Member

    Since I'm starting over with a Fae, what server is a good community friendly Server that's not a ghost town?
  10. Charlice Well-Known Member

    Freeport, Funrest or Ant Bayle would be my servers of choice.