RSS feeds of News?

Discussion in ' Website Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Cordanim, Feb 3, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cordanim Guest

    Couldn't figure out the correct forum to post this, so here goes...

    Does anyone have a URL for an RSS feed for the news feed? When I'm on the road, I'd still like to get the latest update news :smileyhappy:

  2. ARCHIVED-Cownose Guest

    Oooo... I could use this too...
  3. ARCHIVED-BarryT Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-Bodhidarma Guest

  5. ARCHIVED-Koos Guest

    I take it there is no RSS feed for EQ2 players news?
  6. ARCHIVED-Kemwen Guest

    There isn't....yet. Perhaps you should submit a /feedback for the idea? I personaly think it's a pretty good one.
  7. ARCHIVED-Motley Guest

    I got bored today, so here ya go:
    Headlines (Usually contains Development, News, and Community):



    Didn't bother, nothing to see there.

    The pub times are only accurate to the day since that's the only date/time I seem to be able to find for the articles. It works for's BETA web syndication. It also validates 100% on Enjoy!

    To keep the server from having to hit all the time, all responses are cached for 5 minutes.

    PS. Greg, the update notes for Feb 3, and Feb 4th both point to the same notes... oops?
    Message Edited by Motley on 03-09-2005 08:12 PM

    Any chance of fixing the special characters (like (R), TM, etc.) so that they show up properly as a live bookmark in Firefox or is it a FireFox issue?
  9. ARCHIVED-ScottAdams Guest

  10. ARCHIVED-BornAgainst Guest

    that one is for forums RSS not news, its there for news as well any where?

    thank you
  11. ARCHIVED-G3MM4 Guest

    These links don't work anymore.

    I need to know about RSS feeds too, for my website. If there are no official RSS newsfeeds then maybe SOE needs to consider developing RSS newsfeeds.
  12. ARCHIVED-Selfea Guest

    At the risk of reviving a dead there an official RSS feed for EQ2 Players News now?

    I can't for the life of me find a URL for it...but other site seem to be getting a feed somehow.

  13. ARCHIVED-TSR-TrevorG Guest