Rough time as a new player

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Blythe, Sep 12, 2023.

  1. Blythe New Member

    I managed to get to level 20, but quests are outleveling me. Things take a long time to kill that are 2 levels above me.

    I like the idea of the game but maybe I came in too late in this server's lifespan? I've heard the TLE server is mainly grouping to level but since the server is on the older side, is that pretty much dead at this point?
  2. Muffincookie Active Member

    Yep Im having this problem too. Im currently 24 and every quest is RED in Butcherblock now. I know I can start doing the quests in Nek or Thundering Steppes, but those are so horribly boring. And not many groups going for lower lvls now.
  3. Zenji Well-Known Member

    That's how questing to level works. You will need to quest in more than 1 zone per level bracket.
    The alternative is to run dungeons / mob grind.
  4. Blythe New Member

    Thanks, I may just shelve the game until the next TLE - figured I'd give it a shot since it seemed interesting but without groups it defeats the purpose, not the game's or anyone's fault, but my own for discovering it so late in its life.
  5. Zornar Member

    When I was level 20, I could easily kill monsters 5 levels above me using a mercenary. I always had a current season's familiar out to boost my stats.
    The game really seems easy to solo especially with classes that have combat pets..My Necromancer is 101 now and can 1 shot the level 106 monsters and also easily take down the level 112 named monsters in Planes of Magic.

    I like to spend a lot of time doing the seasonal and special events. The current Fractured Skies event has quest monsters that scale to your level in Nekulos Forest and Thundering Steppes.

    What class are you playing?
  6. Muffincookie Active Member

    But this is TLE section. Is that event even on this server or did I miss something or did you happen to post in the wrong forum?
  7. Eventine101 New Member

    depending on what class you're playing I imagine guilds would power level you for raiding. Always see people looking for bards/healers etc.
  8. Dagada Member

    There are no mercs and no familiars. This is a TLE server.
  9. Zenji Well-Known Member

    I mean it takes less than 20 hours to quest to 70+. If you want to wait at least another year to play the game because that is too much of an investment ok. But seems odd to shelve a game without giving it a real try.
  10. Escape Goat Member

    I tried to join in late and its a pain so I'll be waiting for the next TLE as well. You could get lucky and find a group where somebody is multiboxing in order to level their alt which should get you 10+ levels.
  11. Zenji Well-Known Member

    To each their own.

    Just seems odd to skip over on playing the game for a year or more because you would prefer not to spend a week mostly solo questing to max level.
    Smashey and Arielle Nightshade like this.
  12. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    What Zenji said. Going through the quests, reading them and doing them is the most efficient way to solo level, if you can't get a group. His estimate of a week is generous, factoring in that you might not know or remember locations and routing - and would be made easier with travel upgrades that can be offered by most guilds in their guildhalls.

    If you want to powerlevel to max level for the purpose of raiding, and can't get a group, you're going to have to bite the bullet and talk a guild into doing it with/for you, or pay someone in-game currency (yeah, let's not go there with alternatives right now..) to help you with it.

    When Extra Life rewards go live, there will be lower level groups, for sure. I've heard people discussing what they plan to level when (or at this point I guess, if) that happens.
  13. Mokegent New Member

    it tooks months to get to level 50 what are you wining about a week work... in a game... no you cant get to max level in five minutes... no game has that option unless you all start from scratch in a game... so a game like EQ2 and all other likely games are int he same way if you join in later... work your way up... on the ladder... and always remember;.. its easier now then in the old days (winks)
  14. Tieral New Member

    No, I don't think so. If you are anti-social, I could see having issues leveling. But between collections, event quests, general quest lines, and the overall helpfulness of Varsoon, if you are having issues you need to read up on what you are doing. TLEs, especially Varsoon, are very soft entry points, with tons of assistance built in. Join one of the active guilds on the server like Riders of the Storm, Enigma, or MARR, and you will have no issues. I absolutely get those that want to wait until the next TLE: It is a lot easier in Shattered lands through EoF, and RoK and beyond require people to have a far higher level of skill. But please don't blame the largest TLE in EQ2 history for you having issues.
    Aggy and DENSER like this.
  15. DENSER Well-Known Member

    The only explanation is that you don't know how an old-fashioned mmo works, that you don't know the 'routine' of the game at all (unlike many on Varsoon).

    Some tips if necessary.

    Making a group, creating it in the lfg chat is the quickest solution.
    Waiting for the group to form at your level can be long, very long, very, very long.
    Many are available, can bother to make the group .

    Playing time is important, I being from France, in the morning it's bedtime for USA, and for the EU, the start of work .
    On the other hand, it’s crowded in the evening, much less so at the end of the extension tho ( especially after the XP event, double coins, now over)

    Use the game bible.

    Everything is said above, a guide that will follow you on your adventure
  16. Tubben New Member

    TBH i really doubt, that a new player (as i am) can quest to 70 in less than 20h. I am lv 31 now and 34 in my TS, and it took like 3days playtime.

    I am pretty sure you can cut that in half, maybe even to an third to reach 31/34. But i really, really doubt that an newbie without deep inner knowledge can quest to 70 in less than 20h on Varsoon.

    BTW, just to be clear, i am fine with the level speed i have. If i would like to level faster, i wouldnt have started on an TLE Server.

    Just wanted to comment on that l"ess than 20h to reach 70 with questing" sentence.
    Breanna likes this.