RoR Portal Is Too Big

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Almee, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. Almee Well-Known Member

    The RoR portal is way too big, even shrunk to its smallest size. Please adjust this so that the portal doesn't have to be the center of attention in any room in a home or guild hall.
    Athenia, Kattt, Sigrdrifa and 2 others like this.
  2. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Yeah the thing is massive. All the other expansion teleporters barely come up to a human's waist, even the water wheel that takes you to Svarni.
    Athenia, Kattt and Twyla like this.
  3. Unayan Active Member

    I know this may upset some folks but please don't shrink it or if it is make it so it can be enlarged to it's current size.
    Breanna and Kattt like this.
  4. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    I agree. I'd like to be able to have the smallest size about half what it is now, while still allowing it to get very big (which you might want in a huge space).
    Athenia, Breanna and Kattt like this.
  5. Kattt Well-Known Member

    Yes! Why can't we have increased scaling range with most (if not all) things? Like for example with the city festival building blocks. They are more useful because of their scale range. Believe me when I tell you, our decorating time would be so much less frustrating if this were possible. Like the new mountain cliffs. I understand they were shrunk. Why? Can we not have a wider range of scaling? What is so wrong with letting something get very small, AND very big. Items being even more useful is a good thing, right? You *do* want us to get more use of the items you take time to make, right?
  6. Cyliena Well-Known Member

    Yes, please give us the option to make this smaller, it's bigger than the too-large Reign of Shadows: Fordel Midst one. I can't fit either of those in our teleport area in my guild hall. :\
    Athenia and Twyla like this.