Roost of Xux'liao?

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-darkauron001, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-vinterskugge Guest

    A ward is not a spell attack.
  2. ARCHIVED-Demoniac Guest


    man, 1 day lock timer. only a epic x2 mob. let's forget kos raid and contest mobs and do tfd everyday.
  3. ARCHIVED-Nayrue Guest

    What zone dropped those gloves? ^^ pretty beef 8)

    70 Paladin
  4. ARCHIVED-Schmoogles Guest

    lol The Roost of Xux'liao !! Isn't this what this thread is about :smileyhappy:
  5. ARCHIVED-Nayrue Guest

    Haha, I thought they were just posting random loot they have found in the AP :smileysad:
    70 Paladin
  6. ARCHIVED-The-Fourm-Pirate Guest

    Ah that would be why i've never seen one, never killed either of them myself.
  7. ARCHIVED-Riversideblues Guest

    it was okay, the crab zone likes me more.... just ask kobal/axkiva :)
  8. ARCHIVED-Barandos Guest

    gauntlet has been nerfed yesterday, they now have more reasonable value in health/power for a legendary :)
  9. ARCHIVED-Leelak Guest

    When fighting Xux'laio is there a bug with damage not showing up on the incoming log, or is that a feature of the encounter? The only damage that ever showed on incoming log was magic damage. There was no melee, etc. so we couldn't tell what was eating the tank. Is that was other experience on that fight?
  10. ARCHIVED-Dragonsviperz Guest

    Grr at you for having every peice of scout loot from that zone. Too bad its getting nerfed (I think). =P
  11. ARCHIVED-Pitt Hammerfist Guest

    Well if these gloves ruin everything, wheres your freaking pair ?

    Thats right you dont have em yet

    I for one like the fact that random things can drop from random mobs.

    Soe doesnt design the game to suit your playstyle

    If it did the majority would be wearing paperbags, and your raidforce would be fully decked out.

    bleh, who gives a [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] if some guy stumbles onto a pair of nice gloves once in his freaking 70 levels of not raiding x4 mobs ?

    not me.
  12. ARCHIVED-Pinski Guest

    Because why fight x4 raid mobs, when x2 raid mobs drop better loot?
  13. ARCHIVED-Viohlence Guest

    Only guilds that are beating Roost are ones that are decked out in x4 gear.
    Makes sense to me. Only groups that could clear Icy Digs for the fabled in there were ones that had raid gear as well.
  14. ARCHIVED-DobyMT Guest

    Right, so since the nameds in there really only take 12 people to exist....give them better loot than from Deathtoll, HoS, or any other T7 x4 zone. Makes total sense to me ....
  15. ARCHIVED-Snarks Guest

    congratulations on being rewarded by poor itemization. enjoying your loot is one thing but defending it is truly sad. gg
  16. ARCHIVED-Jvaloth Guest

    God [expletive haxx0red by Raijinn] cry babies.
  17. ARCHIVED-Thug Guest

    I seem to recall Ish posting that if the ap came out with gear better than what currently drops in KoS he would be ending his account. I'm pretty sure that was their motivation for putting those gloves.
  18. ARCHIVED-electricninjasex Guest

    For now.
  19. ARCHIVED-Snarks Guest

    let me remind you that you dont have to 'beat' roost to get some of the, if not the, best loot in the zone. keep that in mind.
  20. ARCHIVED-MeridianR Guest

    Yeah depending on the 'rare' named that spawn (pretty stupid idea, but hey that is just my opinion) ....but you also get a 5 day lockout (or whatever it is) if you kill any named.

    Though the first named dropped those insane Spore Imbued mits for us.....(Xux dropped some Legandary earring, with decent stats)...