RoK does not exist in Retail in the Uk, I demand a Solution now

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000 Guest

    as title says...
    Rok retail can not be purchased as of today (launch day) in the UK (dunno about other countries, feel free to add them to the list).
    HMV has 3x Orginial Release Boxes and 1x Kingdom of Sky Box in the Belfast Branch. RoK? they had to look it up... they dont have it...
    Game, i checked both branches, the one in the City Centre and the one in Castlecourt, did they know what eq2 is? they still have it as preorder on their website, but, they do not have one single eq2 retail box, no matter if rok or an outdated version. sent out mass email to inform the people that preordered retail that it wont be with them before thursday - friday.
    Now dont just jump in and say i should go buy digital download. why? because every digital download means one copy less sold in retail which directly translates into even less motivation of gameshops to sell the next expansion. besides that, my cc has a limit, i booked holidays in december with it, so even if i wanted to get digital download its impossbile.

    I think soe should give Temporary RoK access to all currently active subscriptions for one Week, so we can go buy the retail copy when it finally shows up in a few days.
    And i'm not talking about somewhen, i'm talking about before the servers come back up.
  2. ARCHIVED-Siclone Guest

    the world revolves around the USA, if you don't live here they you don't get the same perks...

    but seriously, why dont you just download it like most people are doing.
  3. ARCHIVED-TB Guest

    Siclone wrote:
    If you would read, it's already been established why he can't download it buddy.
  4. ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000 Guest

    besides... its also an issue with people receiving notification of a delay in delivery within 12 hours of launch... its not like it would only be me.

    and, as i pointed out, if we all just buy digital download then all the rok copies that will eventually arrive in a few days at retail shop will remain unsold, leading to a unwillingness of those shops to stock the next expansion
  5. ARCHIVED-Stuntie Guest

    I want to know what the heck is happening too.
    I pre-ordered via Amazon.
    I've got the email:
    Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier
    By the supplier! Who changed it SOE? If so WHY!
    First I've heard of a date change. It goes live today as far I'm aware.
    If I go via Station I'll lose the pre-order bonus as pre-order is now over.
    If I stay with Amazon I loose 3 or more days play.
    Important days as I want to start a Sarnak on a new server. This is the time to form low level groups and gain friends that I will need for the mid and later levels.
    Plus the indignation of knowing that others are having fun whilst I sit waiting for SOE and Amazon to get their finger out.
    Shelves full of WoW and LoTRO etc. but never EQ2 boxes in the UK - I wonderwhy?
    Are SOE so contempteous of the European and UK markets that they just don't care?
    Dear Customer,
    We wanted to give you an update on the status of your order [xxxxxxxxx].
    Unfortunately, the release date for the item(s) listed below was changed by the supplier, and we
    need to provide you with a new estimated delivery date based on the new release date:
    "Everquest II: Rise Of Kunark (PC)" [Video Game]
    Estimated arrival date: 15/11/07 - 16/11/07
    We are sorry for any inconvenience this causes.
    To view your order or make any changes, please visit the Your Account
    link located at the top of any page of our website. Through Your
    Account, you can cancel items, change delivery addresses or make other
    changes to your orders for any items that have not yet entered the
    dispatch process.
    For your reference, here is a summary of your order:
    1 of "Everquest II: Rise Of Kunark (PC)"
    On the date of dispatch, you should receive an e-mail message confirming
    the date, contents and delivery method.

    Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that
    cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.
    While we do our best to adhere to these estimates, our inventory is constantly
    changing based on information we receive directly from our suppliers.
    Occasionally, unexpected fluctuations in supply or changes in release dates for
    new products will add time to our original availability estimate.
  6. ARCHIVED-necro_elf Guest

    Well I am quite happy with Amazon Uk. They emailed me to say that my retail copy of Kunark will be delivered between 15/16-th of November, which indeed is Thursday or Friday.
    I don't mind waiting a few days anyway. So, we can only play RoK 2 days later then it's launch ? So what ? It's only a couple of days, hardly the end of the world as we know it.
    I think you exagerate , even the title of this thread is not really accurate. It does exist and it will be shipped tomorrow.
  7. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    I believe that the UK normally releases new media on friday and even though this is an mmorpg and releases in the US on tuesday people in the UK still have to wait to friday. Tuesday is the standard release date for media in the US.
  8. ARCHIVED-necro_elf Guest

    Here is my Amazon email :
    The quick delivery date might have something to do with the date the order was placed.
    I hope they stick to it hehe.
    Dear Customer,

    We wanted to give you an update on the status of your order.

    We now have the delivery date(s) for the order you placed on 31 October 2007, 13:42 GMT
    . We have listed the item(s) below with
    the expected delivery date(s):

    "Everquest II: Rise Of Kunark (PC)" [Video Game]
    Estimated arrival date: 15/11/07 - 16/11/07

    For more details, please visit the Your Account section of our web site
    ( You can also reach Your Account by clicking the link
    in the top right corner of any page on our website.

    Thank you for shopping at

    For your reference, here is a summary of your order:

    1 of "Everquest II: Rise Of Kunark (PC)"

    On the date of dispatch, you should receive an e-mail message confirming
    the date, contents and delivery method.
  9. ARCHIVED-Gladiia Guest

    While it is certainly possible that this is on SOEs end, is it not also possible that Amazon misordered, and are trying to shift the blame?
  10. ARCHIVED-Stuntie Guest

    Killerbee3000 wrote:
    I too am concerned about this just becoming another farce to put people off EQ2 and send them to 'that other game'.

    Also going via Station ROK is not listed. Only the 'all in one' bundle which is Faydaw and Sky I believe.
    It has been left so late taht there isn't time to switch supplier and still get the pre-order bonus.
  11. ARCHIVED-Killerbee3000 Guest

    as i said, its also people who preordered getting shafted.

    so, can we get temporary access to rok until retail avalaibility please?
  12. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    It's not secret that wow is a more popular game. Popular games get a lot more attention upon release than less popular games. EQ2 doesn't even target the same age group as wow and you can't compare the two in these terms.
    What's important to know is that even if you have to wait a few days for this to get straightened out, you'll end up with a far better product than wow.
  13. ARCHIVED-necro_elf Guest

    TheSpin wrote:
    I don't know if you guys noticed but take a look at the Trial forum. I see quite a few Wow players coming to EQ2 because of boredom. I wonder why doesn't SOE push EQ2 up a bit more so that everyone everywhere hears about EQ2.
    I also see many beta-testers saying that RoK is a great Expansion. So, if not now ... then when ? Maybe it's time for people to put cartoonish games like Wow behind and come have a blast here :).
  14. ARCHIVED-thyriel81 Guest

    I agree that we should all get a free access to RoK for some days or at least some free days.
    I checked several online shops in Europe that even deliver keys per email, and none of them has them yet. Ive even heard of online shops in the US that dont have it yet (amazon thread).
    This is a joke SOE, we payd the same like everyone else, and beside d2d (US only) and station store i heard of no one in the forum yet that has his key yet.

    And to non-SOE: Stop the stuff about why not buy on station store? Its a principal thing for me, they ripped us off with every single expansion in the past (higher priced as in stores, EoF had no other expansions and so on). Beside that a lot players dont have CC, for whatever reason.
  15. ARCHIVED-Stuntie Guest

    TheSpin wrote:
    I do not understand why they should delay it till Friday just because it is the normal day for releases here in the UK.
    It is just pointless and pathetic.

    Plus the Amazon pre-order specifically stated release on the 13th. Not the 16th.
    If it had I would not be annoyed.
    (And would not have bought it via Amazon)
  16. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    I think you may want to consider the option that it is out of SoE's hands. It's not like they're actually trying to make things harder for you. I personally am in germany and I'm updating it just fine.
  17. ARCHIVED-mindygoth Guest

    Just FYI for all you UK Amazon purchasers - I sent them a snotty email when they sent me the whole "Release is delayed by suppliers thing" - basically saying - I KNOW the game comes out today - don't lie to me, either ship my game NOW, or tell me the real reason you cannot.

    I got this reply:-

    " Please accept our apologies for this inconvenience, but "Everquest
    II: Rise Of Kunark (PC)"appears to have been a surprise sellout.

    When you placed your order we believed we had access to more copies -
    we then discovered that every one of our distributors had rapidly
    sold out.

    Major distributors have thousands of copies on order from the
    publisher, all apparently awaiting the next print run. As soon as
    more copies become available, we'll be able to dispatch them to our

    Please accept our sincere apologies that we have not been able to
    dispatch your order within the estimated dispatch date. We may need
    some additional time to obtain it on behalf of your order.

    I hope that you would appreciate that being the retailers we are
    totally dependant on our suppliers for the supply, and the latest
    information from our suppliers shows that they are facing unexpected
    delays in obtaining the item.""
  18. ARCHIVED-TB Guest

    So basically they said "screw you, we have your money you paid to have the game on time, wahahaha, sucks to be you, we knew we wouldn't have enough to ship out but we like having the preorder money anyway!"

    I feel bad for you guys. :(
  19. ARCHIVED-wullailhuit Guest

    Gladiia@The Bazaar wrote: also moved the date to the 16th , at least the amazon people got an email , I cancelled my order as did several of my guildmates and got on the DDL bandwagon yesterday instead.
  20. ARCHIVED-Liandra Guest

    mindygoth wrote:

    That is the exact same e-mail they sent me as well. They also seem to be ignoring my question about the pre-order code. Grrrr