Rivervale or Majdul server?

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Wiegraf, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. Wiegraf Member

    As a new/returning player, starting fresh, and someone who will always have a subscription when I play, which server would you recommend? I can't find many forum topics about Rivervale, other than people predicting it's demise before it even launched, but starting on a fresher server sounds appealing. But wouldn't want to start there only for it to be a ghost town, and thinking the possibility of finding some type of timed progression guild down the road would be easier on Majdul which from what I've read is the most populated live server.

    Not really interested in TLE servers, mainly because I actually like the concept of using a merc so wanting to give that a go.
  2. Dude Well-Known Member

    Rivervale is shutting down and people are getting tokens to transfer off of it.

    Breanna and Wiegraf like this.
  3. Wiegraf Member

    Makes an easy decision then, thanks!
    Breanna and Dude like this.