Righteous Combine Ascetic Gi, is this correct?

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Luneweth, May 4, 2013.

  1. Luneweth New Member

    Is this reallý how it was supposed to look? :(
    It looks nothing like the Gi the npc's are wearing and I'm really disappointed...I spent hours getting the collection for the pants and now I'm a sad monk.
    Not even worth the time to get the boots. :(
    The Chest piece is the same as the npc's, but the rest is a scouts armor (the metal/leather parts don't even match in color, the chest piece is a blue-ish grey and the rest of the armor is more brown/beige grey)
    Did my set get messed up somehow or is this how it looks for all Monks and Bruisers?

  2. Elamgar New Member

    When i compare this armor to the armor what NPC has in town than i can say that it feels like a joke because it is nothing like the armor NPC uses this feels like a scout armor to me and not a Gi
  3. Malleria Well-Known Member

    /Agree. I previewed the whole set on my bruiser, since the NPCs look really good. Huge let down. The chest piece is obviously from a completely different set than the rest of the armor.