Reversal does not get dmg from the rune?

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by XustinuS, Sep 20, 2018.

  1. XustinuS Member

    We can add threat to reversal through AA line but it does not get any damage from the fighter rune. Is it intended or maybe missed?
  2. Ogdinmar Active Member

    This is probably intended. Reversal isn't naturally a threat gen ability. That is added via aa.
  3. Boli Active Member

    Cavalier's Shout and Cure Spells get the damage.

    Reversal should as well.
  4. Ogdinmar Active Member

    You are not understanding what I said. Reversal is not a threat gen spell. The threat is added from aa points. Cavilers shout and cure spells had it on them naturally, as part of the spell, not from an aa augment. That's why it doesn't get the bonus. It's the same as dragon fire. The threat from that was added via aa point selection.

    Besides reversal is a terrible ability. It got put on a forced refresh rate of once every 30 sec back in sentinels fate. It has not scaled well at all. It's a waste of points, until they change the refresh to once every 2 or 3 seconds and maybe up the damage on it.
  5. XustinuS Member

    I understand ur point very well.
    How about Earth shock? I has threat on in scaled to ur hp in its original form.
  6. Ogdinmar Active Member

    I would agree with that one. The single target version and brawler version don't either. So it was over looked, meaning it's not initially flagged as a threat spell or cannot be done with how the spell I coded. I know some like plant for the guard have the damage on it but it doesn't hit for damage, so bugs are possible.