Returning Player: Questions

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions' started by ARCHIVED-Bitblaster, May 24, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Bitblaster Guest

    Hello all,

    I'm a returning player... just resubscribed... waiting for EQ2 to update.

    I have some questions for everyone...

    EQ2 is sort of an older game... can someone tell me if it's still "good"? How is the community and player base?

    Are there more expanisons predicted?

  2. ARCHIVED-Regolas Guest

    Good is subjective. I love the game, but many will not. New expansions are due out every year. We just had one a few months ago, Skyshrine, which is an addition to the DoV expansion a year before. And an optional expansion pack that added mercenaries and a few other features (AoD). Community and playerbase varies from server to server. It's top heavy mainly, but there's plenty to do for hundreds of hours although you may struggle to get groups outside of the latest zones. But at least you can play the solo side of the game and just chat in the chat channels up to that level, with the occasional group if you're lucky.
  3. ARCHIVED-Bitblaster Guest

    Good to hear that new expansions come out regularly... makes me know that my investment (both my time, and money) are well spent in EQ2.
  4. ARCHIVED-xxpinner Guest

    Bitblaster wrote:
    You'll notice that there are a ton of expansions already out and most of them have had a plethora of things to do. You'll have enough content to pour over for ages.
  5. ARCHIVED-Bitblaster Guest

    Pipsy@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Okay. Thanks.