Returning player LFG on crushbone

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Blacknblu, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Blacknblu New Member

    Afternoon all. I have played EQ2 from day one and have made it too 92 a few times. I have been gone for around a year and am looking to start a new toon and start over. Looking for a guild that is doing progression though the game. please let me know if there are any out there.
  2. Talaen Member

    I'm not sure my guild would be the right fit for you if you're focused on raiding progression, but welcome back! :)
  3. BlahBlahBlah New Member

    I'm in a guild on Crushbone Server. Its a great guild does lots of grouping and is working on current raid content progression. We are a very active guild that focuses on all aspects of the game not just raiding.