Requesting more hotbars

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Shinangyo, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Shinangyo New Member

    With the last expansion and now with PoP, there simply is not enough hotbar room with all these new ascension spells. Please considering adding on 5-10 more hotbars. between macros, text keys spells, abilities, ascension abilities etc, I have no more room.

    Please help!
  2. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    They've already said code won't allow it. Best bet is to have a thorough clearout of hotbars, likely there is stuff you can remove or macro.
    Shmogre and Dude like this.
  3. Juraiya Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I recently cleared all my hotbars on most of my characters and redid them. It's surprising how many old macros and items I had hot-barred that I no longer need.
  4. Vunder Well-Known Member

    I don't think I actually even put many of the new ascensions on my hotbars. They are, for the most part (my class), nearly pointless.