Request for Items

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Kickya, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. Kickya Active Member

    May we have a more diverse ability to test out Characters by means of changing how they are equipped on beta to better understand what we may need to adjust on the live servers to get the best out of ourselves please.

    As we don't really need to be running instances as such. so please adjust the prices on the various AoM vendors so everything just costs 1 copper.

    I for one would like to see how the changes affect each character while wearing different set ups of gear

    To see the difference it makes say on a scout wearing full green armour haste/dps vs say potancy/critbonus

    Katanallama likes this.
  2. Katanallama Well-Known Member

    I obnoxiously transferred a ton of ferrin / malice gems repeatedly to get a bunch of dif 4/4 green armor - not the most fun way to get different armor sets.
  3. Kickya Active Member

    yea so we can put 1000 ferrin and 20 green on toon 1 and then add them with toon 2 but why ? just make it all free on test so we can ummm TEST

    its not like you can character transfer a toon back after lol