Recast Timers - MMMmmm 36 days <== better be a good spell

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-raxerex, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-raxerex Guest

    [p]I thought I had it tough with a 10 min recast timer for one of my spells, [/p][p]But a guildy last nite, explained to the group we were in, he had a 36 DAY recast timer. ya its bug, but a funny one (from my point of view). he reloged and it came down to 2 days. He had a 36 day recast for fusion... [IMG] Holy Crap !!!!!! Whats your worst timer you have to contend with? [/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Cusashorn Guest

    I had a bug once where it would've taken me half a year for Call of Qeynos.
  3. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    Same here. Way back 2 years ago. ;)