Really Now...

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by StaticLex, May 8, 2013.

  1. StaticLex Active Member

    How many evil monsters just stand in one spot in a room waiting to be attacked? This is silly and unbelievable. When I go into a boss room (like Drinal) I think the mob should be:

    1.) Writing a manifesto.
    2.) Building a shark tank.
    3.) Assembling a bomb.
    4.) Whipping something.
    5.) Counting its gold bullion.

    Seliri, Feldon and Wirewhisker like this.
  2. Nefariouz New Member

    It's because of posts like this that SoE spends their time working on stuff that has little to no impact on gameplay and leaves out important things that need to be fixed.
  3. Gazrath Member

    Actually, the boss is standing there for perfectly logical reasons....
    1. He's thinking about what a crappy job the maid did on the baseboards. She's probably getting sacked next week.
    2. "What if I knock down this wall and build a spa? A hot tub would really help me unwind after all these interruptions...."
    3. He's hiding his eyes to count for Hide-n-Seek. Where do you think all those adds come from?
    4. He's just stopped beating his head against the wall in frustration, because... you know... it feels so good when you stop.
    5. He's actually peeking through a small hole into the girls' locker room.
    6. He's trying to figure out what happened to the portal to his Prestige house. That Felwithe mansion really takes a long time to decorate....
    Athenia, Karrane, Wirewhisker and 2 others like this.
  4. ttobey Makes the Monsters Move

    How do you know what they were doing before you entered the room?
    Karrane, Wirewhisker and Zephah like this.
  5. Lament Active Member

    No toilets in Norrath... anywhere... discuss ^_^

    In 8+ years, someone should have been caught in the can!
    Wirewhisker and Zephah like this.
  6. Fetish Well-Known Member this like the refrigerator light thingy?
    Wirewhisker and ttobey like this.
  7. Fetish Well-Known Member

    Isn't there one in Stormhold?
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  8. Lament Active Member

    One Toilet to rule them all? One flush to bind them!!
    Wirewhisker, Xillean and Eileithia like this.
  9. Eileithia Active Member

    One toilet to rule them all, one toilet to bind them, one toilet..... woops.. wrong game..
    Wirewhisker and Lament like this.
  10. Lament Active Member

    FIRST! but I like what you did there!
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  11. Eileithia Active Member

    by like a second haha.. well played..
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  12. Lament Active Member

    Great minds think alike? or Idiots seldom differ??
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  13. Eileithia Active Member

    I'll take idiots for 100... ;)
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  14. Malleria Well-Known Member

    He's obviously trying to fix his elevator, cause the damn thing has never worked right :rolleyes:
  15. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    He is probably just thinking to himself, "Y'know, if I switched to pastels, I could probably liven this place up, then maybe more of my friends would come visit - instead of these people that just break in, rough me up, and take my stuff."
    Alenna and Wirewhisker like this.
  16. SteelPiston Active Member

    My ratonga uses the fountain in the guild hall. He was forced to go somewhere after the guildies complained about the little black pellets all over the floor next to the broker.
    Wirewhisker likes this.
  17. Skwor Active Member

    Have you never seen a tree? they are all over the place!
  18. Bouncing Skull Active Member

    Art and Animation have nothing to do with mechanics. I happen to think the looks, environment, and animations have a HUGE impact on game play. ...that and I am not sure I want Tom's team designing raid content.
    ttobey likes this.
  19. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    There must be an enterprising lawyer amongst the player base that can represent him in a "Drinal v. Norrath" class action lawsuit.
  20. Lament Active Member

    Tonight on Oprah... the Bosses of Norrath...
    Arielle Nightshade likes this.