Real Life in Norrath!

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Perrigrin, Jan 11, 2018.

  1. Perrigrin Well-Known Member

    I don't think we've done this in awhile so here goes. I want to see what your real life home would look like if it were in Norrath :) If you already have made one, post it here! I'm going to be working on mine very soon and can't wait to see what everyone comes up with! :D
  2. Mariebella Well-Known Member

    I would move into the lake house I built for a buddy (he hasn't been on in a while so I could easily claim squatters rights)


    Possibly my favourite build ever, even if I never ever want to see another maple railing again!

    Can't wait to see what you build!
  3. Tenchigirl15 Well-Known Member

    I'm working on my RL 1850 Colonial farmhouse I'm living in now. it's like 30% done and waiting for more white marble in April. here's previews of it. ;)

    in game


    RL before we moved in




    RL, with the kitties on the chair :p

  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ahhh! "Away with the camera, human, we are discussing things beyond your mortal ken." ;->

    Looks very cool, though, and very close! I'm wondering about that original door in the first pics; it seems taller than standard to me? Did they have one of those above the door windows or something up there originally? :confused:

    And you need an electric guitar! I used the one from the Marketplace and added a "cord" to it by means of the Siren LnL house item trophy, the one that looks like a long, whippy fishing pole. ;->

  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure which house I'd do, or where I'd put it; I've lived in..........five houses (well, one apartment, currently; four "real" houses) and a camper (in campgrounds) in my life for any length of time, so it'd be hard to pick. ;->

    The house I was in from shortly before my 13th birthday to either shortly before my 19th birthday (when I left on a regular basis) or 2010, depending on how you count, was only one story, but really sprawling. I'd have to put it up on like a Tenebrous Island, probably, to have enough room to do it up. ;->

    The camper was actually very fun (except for the chemical toilet and the lack of a shower [hence the campgrounds]) when I was a kid, and I can understand nomads a bit more now since then. Why would you ever want to be stuck inside anywhere unless you had to be, for meals and bedtime? :D

  6. Merriel Well-Known Member

    Are you certain that these are real life kitties? Their eyes look like lamps that are lit up. *giggles* :D

    They are lovely cats. :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  7. Tenchigirl15 Well-Known Member

    thank you! the basement door is narrow because the builders that worked on our house had to customize it. there is a possibility if there was a trap window back in the day. ;) that's a good idea with the electric guitar. :D

    hehe, thank you, this is Striper (on the top) and Jasmine (on the arm) :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  8. Perrigrin Well-Known Member

    No screenshots yet, but the house is starting to come together a bit. It's proving a lot harder than I thought it would be! I've got the basic layout of the living room, and working on the kitchen cabinets today I got quite a bit done. If I don't give up on it when it comes to doing the roof, then we'll see if I can get it finished LOL
  9. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Good luck! :) It's probably why I won't try the two-story one, though frankly it had one of the more "interesting" layouts, iirc. ;->

    Mariebella likes this.
  10. Mariebella Well-Known Member

    I know is too late but the trick with more than one story is to start at the top and work your way down. So build the roof, raise the roof, then build your walls underneath. It just seems way easier to fit walls underneath a roof than try and fit the roof with all the angles and whatnot on top of the walls.

    I use layout editor to move it all at once,but do a double save in 2 files before you use the diff just in case (trust me.)
    kianne and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  11. Ethini Well-Known Member

    Mine would be so boring. We are literally in a single, unfinished room lol. Maybe I can figure out a way to do the studio as it will be once done.
  12. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ohhh, yeah...more than one file has saved my butt more times than I care to count. :-/

    But I haven't thought of that as a multiple story method! Thanks! :)

  13. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    There you go! :D

  14. Perrigrin Well-Known Member

    Here's what I've got so far. The real life photos were from before we moved in our house.

    Norrath kitchen vs real life kitchen:


    Norrath living room vs real life living room:

  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Very cool! :)

    What do you use for cabinet knobs in the Norrath kitchen?

    Mariebella likes this.
  16. Mariebella Well-Known Member

    That is coming along so well! It just needs the pooches and the chocolate martinis so we know its really your home :p

    If I were to guess uwk I would say the handles were the end of an ornate knife/spoon/fork from the hungry halfing quest. Its the FG go knob lol. (Although I did use fruitcake once and that turned out way better than I thought it would.)
  17. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Fruitcake? From Frostfell? Not that I've looked too closely, but is there like a li'l decorative maraschino cherry equivalent or something on top?

    And yeah, the silverware handle ends make perfect sense! :)

  18. Mariebella Well-Known Member


    Fruitcake handles.
  19. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Heh! Brilliant! :D

  20. Perrigrin Well-Known Member

    I love MB's fruitcake handles lol!
    Yes I need the dogs and chocolate martinis.
    I used the ornate knife from the hungry halfling. Thank the gods they're so cheap on the broker lol!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.