Ratonga then...

Discussion in 'History and Lore' started by ARCHIVED-Viromage, Nov 11, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zasarix Guest

    What complete ******* would give this post a 1 star? God there should be some sort of moderator that monitor's these 16 yr olds ratings and makes sure they dont run around messing with everyone.
  2. ARCHIVED-JayemJale Guest

    And maybe there should also be a moderator going around making sure people dont blame it on 16yr olds.

    And anyway, here is a post by a 15 year old.

    If I were being cynical, I would just say that the Ratonga were put in to balance out the necessary good and evil races: the evil halfling if you will.

    However they do suit freeport very well. Their petty, innate corruption is not malicious, its just the way it is. Its like the ogre's violence and the cazicite's condescention. Living in freeport I do get a 'vibe' of petty crime and small-minded selfishness.

    The thing about the two breeds is interesting. That seems like quite a typical thing for a norathian god to do, just make something for the fun of it. Especially Brell "Hmm-I-think-today-ill-make-a-race-of-walking-beards" Serilis. It also shows the generally fallability of the Norrathian gods: they dont really have that much control over their creations.

    PS If you are really so hung up on these meaningless star things, turn them off on your profile.
    Message Edited by JayemJale on 03-07-2005 10:53 PM
  3. ARCHIVED-Zasarix Guest

  4. ARCHIVED-JayemJale Guest

    Sorry If I lashed out but I get very annoyed when people make sweeping generalisations based on age.

    If you want to meet the real people who go around 1-starring, try the mistmoor server!