ranger last name? (get creative :p)

Discussion in 'Ranger' started by ARCHIVED-duddwin, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-mo0rbid Guest

    My ranger's name is Machinegun Overrun. I was called Machinegun Majesty before (a soilwork song)

    edit: /gasp @ the guy at the top of this page
  2. ARCHIVED-Zizzu Guest

    My favorite is Silverthorn.
  3. ARCHIVED-Mendle Guest

    I have had the same ranger name is all games I play with a ranger dating back to my time in GemstoneIII and the original elder scrolls. Mendle Detras!! this name I made up on my own. Best way to do it imho.
  4. ARCHIVED-Reknob Guest

    Coolarrow is mine
  5. ARCHIVED-Slayan Guest

    My Ranger on Nek server is:
    Dyfast Rezneeded
  6. ARCHIVED-Blacktalon Guest

    Try something dealing with nature, or animals. How about Proudhawk, Runningwolf or Blacktalon :)
  7. ARCHIVED-LezerdTZ Guest

    Watching people discover fantasy names is like watching a baby shove its finger down its throat initiating a gag reflex. You know its wrong, the baby can feel its wrong, yet it keeps sticking its fingers down its throat.
  8. ARCHIVED-donilla Guest

    My ranger, in fact all my girls, have had the same basic names in every game I have played. Donilla Deverry for the Ranger was the starting point. My toons are all related to each other, part of the same extended clan, and so I used a family type name (and maybe some of you may catch the inspriation source). If its a High Elf, I attach an elven prefix or something, Lhordeverry or T'Deverry for the dark elf. The barb is, what else, MacDeverry :), the arasi is Deverrynight, and so on. I used some of the game lore and history as guides to what an arasi name might be like etc.
  9. ARCHIVED-bookumdano Guest

    Halbren Holy'handgrenade sounded good to me and was my first choice but it was 3 am and we were running through a dungeon and I friggin mispelled "handgrenade"....heh. So after my seven days of total shame were up I changed it to:
    Halbren Needmore'arrow
    I may go back to my first idea..lol.
  10. ARCHIVED-Aaramis Guest

    Ranja wrote:
    I agree to a point here, yet also disagree. The "two names together" thing is quite common, even in modern fiction. I can't count the number of "Silverblade"s, or "Greenleaf"s out there in novels, especially as Rangery names.
    That said, there is a certain element of taste and decency here to be followed if you're going with the two words together theme.
    While I wouldn't think twice if I saw a "Telomir Bladeweaver" or "Aeralla Silverblade", I do tend to cringe at names such as the one above ("Holyhandgrenade"?!), or names such as "Stabby Mcstab" and "Darkandnasty Assassinguy". Come on, people. Do try to sound as though you're older than 9, and have put more than 0.03 seconds of thought and care into your character name.
    And, as much as we love modern fiction, please think twice before you make "Drizzzzt Do'urden" or "Arragorn" or "Leggolas". And no, adding an extra consonant doesn't make it cool. Or unique.
  11. ARCHIVED-bookumdano Guest

  12. ARCHIVED-Wookiesrus Guest

    <---- Bowiin Airroe
    Direct and to the point
  13. ARCHIVED-Allowin Guest

    Well my Ranger's name is Mahab. I used the last name "Scootn'Shoot" for a while before I got sick of the haters sending me tells usually saying the same thing. "That's such a childish last name" or "Congratz, you have the most annoying last name ever" and my personal favorite "When you turn 9 and decide to change your last name, make it something that's not so lame".

    I'm simply "Archer Mahab" now.

    We have enough problems with our lame AA's, lack of good "Ranger" loot in the game and the fact we have a Assassin dev who couldn't care less about our class. I don't need some hater in the game giving me crap about my "stupid" name on top of all of that.
  14. ARCHIVED-littleman17 Guest

    Mine is fairly simple, and to the point *hint hint, nudeg nudge* and from back before two words put together was lame. I know this because I do believe I was one of the top 100 rangers on my server to hit 20. Faynar Strikewind. Because well...his arrows strike like the wind, ya know? Fast, and usually out of no where.
  15. ARCHIVED-Ranja Guest

    littleman17 wrote:
    breakwind :) oh sorry you said strikewind.

    Sorry could not resist.
  16. ARCHIVED-WebinKaltani Guest

    Ranja wrote:
    A guy in my guild made a toon named "sharpwind", which matches up with his naming conventions... but ever since I matched it up with flatulence, he laughs every time he puts the toon into the crouching position.
  17. ARCHIVED-Amhuinn Guest

    Ranja wrote:
    LOL, my sister's Ratonga is Jairy Breakwynd, the Fragrant