Ranged Slot

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Drayas, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Drayas Guest

    Has anyone seen a ranged slot item from the new expansion that is usable by scouts, but is not a bow?
    As a Swashie I have ONE ranged ability (well... two, but the other one is never used) and this requires the use of a pouch, not a bow. However I have not seen anything that I can put in that slot so far, other than bows.
    There are a couple of fabled pouches, one from the x2 and another from one of the raid zones (don't remember which atm), but they are only usable by brawlers/monks.
    Any ideas?

    Sleepy the Swashie
  2. ARCHIVED-Maddawger1217 Guest

    I myself have not seen a throwing weapon that any scouts could use. The only one I have seen however has been that Bruiser/Monk piece I have seen has been from Ascent.
    Its been may x-packs now and once again Sony has forgotten to add anything for the Swashy/Brig classes (quest/instance versions) that I have seen to date, outside of all the bows that i have seen to choose from. Other then that raid pouch last exspansion's Hole Raid.
    Best thing I can say to do is the same thing I have been doing once a week with the feedback ability in game. Send Sony a nice polite feedback on gameplay and lack of weapons for our classes and maybe someday one of the Devs with dust of the pleas and respond to our request. That or ask the they make our attacks usable by a dog gone bow and be done with it. Rather pay 5 silver for an arrow then 1 gold per throwing weapon any dang ways.
  3. ARCHIVED-Oxie Guest

    There are 3 threads in the Items and Equipment section on the forums...and all 3 are being ignored.
    This will be the 4th thread that will not get a reply, esp. since it is stuck here in the class section. I swear nobody from SOE ever reads these class sections.

    Edit: Well, I'll be dipped...a Red Name did reply to one of the threads!
    Soon(TM) guys...Soon(TM)!