R.I.P Eq2

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Stormkiller, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Skyshrine sucked. Being forced to do groups in contested zones and have all your alts have to do it as well to gain access to the zones... frustrating. By the time I got around to my 4th or 5th alt, I basically had to beg my husband to drag me through with mercs, and die a ton, and almost have to offer plat to get people to run the instances I needed to do the quests on.
  2. Foretold Well-Known Member

    ...and god forfend you tried to complete the access quests a few months after the content went live. Not even guildies would help you then. I gave up after my two raid toons... it just wasn't worth trying to get a group to do those quests.