Quick question

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Alanducar, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Alanducar Active Member

    Hello all, i am a long time player returning after forever to re-ignite my passion for this game. I am certainly in a weird spot in the forums for this question but i thought i'd have a better chance asking in Homeshow since decorating is my number one hobby in this game and this is where you all hang out.

    I'm hoping to find a heavy decorator guild and i was wondering if there were any on Halls of Fate? I believe this is the server i was on before i left back in 2019. I am certain i won't understand any of the new grouping mechanics or stats since its all been bloated and frustrating since i last played. But one thing i do understand and enjoy is decorating and building. I'm not sure if this post will be moved to the recruitment tab of the forums or not but i am clearly looking for a specific group of kind social friends to game with. I hope all you amazing decorators can help me find a new home after all this time. I look forward to seeing you all again soon!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Well, I would suggest mine (one of the two I actually run/am the only member in right now; there's another on Maj'Dul), but with an entire Horde of toons across 6 different servers (all 4 U.S. Live, Public Test, and Thurgadin in the EU), I'm not always in all the time, and like I say, it's only me in there atm, so it'd just be one at a time, likely, though I do have three Carpenter toons there, of varying levels of ability (my highest is at 113 currently).

    My other accounts are all F2P, and while I have no doubt my freebie Hordelings on Halls would also love to decorate, they're all below 20th level (most not even into double digits), so they're kind of handicapped. :-/ But I dig your frustration with a lot of the high-end math requirements, and most of what I do these days is decorating (and creating more toons! X-D). :)

    If you're not familiar with it (or even if you are ;->), I'd suggest looking up EQ2U at u.eq2wire.com. You can do a Search for Guilds on Halls of Fate with various criteria, though sadly, "decorators" isn't among them. But look for things like Casual play style (Hardcore usually = raiders, though maybe not always), Personality (We are a crafter oriented guild), and such like that; I don't think Alignment is a big deal, since both of my guilds are considered Evil (you have to be if you want a Guild Hall in Gorowyn, and that is the BEST place for such, imho; everything you'd pretty much want, especially for crafting, is like right outside the door, and the good lizard-y folks there don't give a wet slap about what your toon's alignment is, your money spends just as well as anyone else's! :) I love 'em! :D). ;->

    Or, you might very well have come to the best forum for your question, and someone else who has a much more populated guild on HoF than I can jump in with brilliant advice and an invite! :D

    Good luck! :)

    EDIT: Just struck by a thought: also look at the posting folks on this server, and especially folks who run decorating events and/or are renowned for participating in them. Devilkiss, for example, belongs to the Raging Phoenix guild, and I'm sure she's not the only decorator there. ;-> That's another thing you could do in an EQ2U Search; when you find a likely-looking (or -sounding, name-wise :D) guild, take a look at the roster and see how many Carpies are there... ;->
