Quick Question on the Timeline

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Tatsuki BloodDreamer, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. Tatsuki BloodDreamer Member

    This may sound stupid, but I'm having issues trying to complete the Maldura/ToT Tradeskill line, and I'm looking for exactly how many quests are in the total Tradeskill timeline. That'll give me an idea of what's going on and where I need to look to complete it. I'd really like to get the ToT books, and I don't have the faction yet to get them. I've got faction, so I've got up to a certain point, but it's not letting me progress. So, this is the fastest way I can think of to narrow down where the problem is.

    Any help from someone who's gone all the way through from start to finish? It'd be appreciated!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    There are 21 quests in the ToT tradeskill timeline. If you look up your character on EQ2U and click on the Tradeskill Report, then go clear to the right side of the 80-100 tab, you can see how many you've done. Click on the Details button and scroll down to Terrors of Thalumbra to see which quests you are missing.
  3. Niami DenMother Well-Known Member

  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Hmm! Looking that over (I blush to admit that I haven't done any of it yet, except for finishing "The Captain's Lament"), I have to ask: if you've done the lovely, lovely Frostfell set of Maldura-related quests (I quite like them, especially their faction sliver with Maldura, even if I do agree with the grumbling about cultural imperialism ;->), will you have to worry about KoS guards from "Stranger in Distress" on? You hadn't mentioned that, but I think the article was done before that year's Frostfell? Providing, of course, you don't do anything silly around the guards, like a panicked AoE maneuver if there's bad things nearby... :-/

    Granted, it takes more time during Frostfell to do such, but it's soooo worth it, and anyone at any level can, pretty much. :)

  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    If you do the Maldura Frostfell quests it solves the aggro issues there, yup. VERY useful for crafters who are low level adventurers :)
  6. Tatsuki BloodDreamer Member

    Thanks, guys! I apologize for how long it's taken me to get back to this thread, and the help has been very useful! Checking the tracker on EQ2U, I am missing a LOT of the timeline, which would explain why I'm stuck. As soon as the servers come back up from the poorly announced lockout and update, I'll see what I need to do to get the starters going in the zones I'm missing... There are MANY... **sighs and goes to grab more Dew** Gonna be a looooong day... :confused: