Quick question about Troub Splitpaw spell...

Discussion in 'Troubador' started by ARCHIVED-b0nehead, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-b0nehead Guest

    Am having lots of fun on my little trub, he's only 28 atm, but going well.
    I thought I'd get him the Splitpaw spell because an extra snare with the chance of root seemed to good to miss... but it's on the same re-use timer as his other snare/debuff (the Sybil's Shuddering Sonnet line) - has this always been the case or is it bugged? I don't recall other classes' Splitpaw spells doing this...

    many thx
  2. ARCHIVED-resus Guest

    its the same spell
  3. ARCHIVED-duuf Guest

    Its not the same spell.. Trick of the Hunter is the splitpaw spell but it does share the same timer.
    All of my classes have a shared timer on the Splitpaw spell.
    The splitpaw spell generally scales with level so in at least some cases it can be a better choice than the regular spell.
    But trick of the hunter debuffs magic which IMO makes it an inferior choice for bards.
  4. ARCHIVED-b0nehead Guest

    duuf wrote:
    yeah, thanks, i just checked another toon and saw the same thing - guess it's handy enough for group/raids, but no good for soloing. The snare is quite useful for pvp, if the root procs, but other than that it's hardly worth it.
    Shame really, after all the hassle of going through Splitpaw to get it.