Quests of pain....

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Kalmaraa, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Kalmaraa Active Member

    Just making a note of what HQs I wouldn't mind seeing a variant done on due to some current trends I tend to see and why.

    Coldian Rings (final step)
    In this case it can't be done as the right mob will NOT pop due to the lack of bodies. This is mainly noted as being a lack of interest in getting folks to do the ring war open quest. The right mob needs a full raid group, for it to show, else you get ones that do not update the quest. I would like to see this updated so it is possible for those of us that want to complete it, can complete it.

    The new current HQs
    The heroics make this hard enough to do as is, many of us, inculding myself, and my current stats are heroic ready, make this harder to do mostly from the lack of groups forming. In my case I am a tank, but of a older tank class some tend to find unwanted as my class is not known for doing high amounts of dps. This in turn also makes it almost impossible to do the raid updates. The same problem could be said for the all too common casual gamer, as they would run in to the same problems as well.

    Now we do know that SOE has listened to such concerns in the past. One example is how they made the whole Qho's quest line easier by removing the min numbers for harvesting zones. I just hope this kind of trend continues with considering how thing are for players with the current xpac as well who would love to just complete such quests.
  2. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    Good point on that. This was a concern expressed back when the HQ was created, but I think at that point they really wanted to drive people to do the event. 2+ years later I think it's time for a change. Just a change to allow any of the Ring War bosses to update the quest would be fine.
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