Questions on the Diety's for Year of Darkpaw

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Evilary, Feb 16, 2024.

  1. Evilary Well-Known Member

    First off, how exactly do you get the masks? I know it's heroic content but is it dungeons or just from challenging the diety?

    Second, is the diety a raid or heroic fight? What is the resolve requirement for the fight?

    I normally just do solo content but my goal is to get the gear and spells the best I can that way if I ever see a pug group and I'm feeling froggy, I can join. I know I don't need any of the gear from the diety vendors but it would be nice to have. So far I only have a main hand as I haven't seen an off hand or wand available yet. And the charms and such are only mask items.
  2. Melkior Well-Known Member

    The Instanced Deities are T1 raid mobs, at least so far, so 9765 Resolve. The Contested Deities are T4 at 10090 resolve.

    Masks are random rewards from any named heroic encounter in H1 or H2 zones. They also can be awarded from killing the deities themselves.
  3. Evilary Well-Known Member

    Ouch, I assume H1 and H2 are around the 9700 mark on resolve? I'm still 100 short of making that mark....:oops:
  4. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Depending on what class you are, you may be able to buy some non-mask token upgrades from the Tarew, Erollisi, and E'Ci camps.
  5. Evilary Well-Known Member

    I managed to get a main hand but don't see any off hands yet. I didn't notice anything else I could get. Main is a Wizard, I also have a Conjuror at max level, and working on my Shadowknight now.
  6. Melkior Well-Known Member

    H1 Resolve is 9555, H2 is 9660. Progression through the tiers is actually pretty easy this year. For all my issues with the status and Chrono currency requirements, the resolve progression was very achievable.
  7. Evilary Well-Known Member

    So if I'm at 9600, I'm technically ready for H1?
  8. Gematria Active Member

    If you got a good guild group to carry you a bit you could even be ready for H2 tbh
  9. Evilary Well-Known Member

    Wow, I feel kind of nice about that. I don't know how many years it's been since I was geared good enough to do a heroic dungeon....
    Jaden likes this.
  10. Melkior Well-Known Member

    Yep, they made it fairly easy to get to the resolve thresholds this year. It was a refreshing change.
  11. Ghostouls Well-Known Member

    Just give it a bit, they will be for sale in a bundle. Nest thing you know they will make new raid zones you have to buy tokens for with cash to enter...
    Aggy likes this.
  12. Evilary Well-Known Member

    Only if they make it to where the bosses bow down and hand you the loot. *that's next month*