Questions for the veterans...

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Thevinneh, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Thevinneh New Member

    Hi, not really a new player but haven't played this game since 2008 or 2009 (been so long, I can't remember.) Got that itch that made me want to check this game out again and found out it's F2P so no reason not to.

    My character is a 47 monk/53 Provisioner and I'm on Antonia Bayle and I found myself in the Steamfont Mountains not knowing how to leave the Headquarters. Took me a while to just decide to jump off and see what happened. and I finally got myself out of the Headquarters. Anyway, discovered my weapons are locked cause I'm on a Silver account and had a bunch of questions.

    Where would be a good place for me to begin again? I have a bunch of quests in my journal but a lot of them are mid-story and I would prefer to just start in a fresh zone not needing to backtrack to old questgivers. I'm currently in the Greater Faydark/Steamfont Mountains area and wouldn't mind travelling anywhere. However, I don't have the last two expansions (would be willing to buy them if I find myself loving this game like I used to).

    Is there a bazaar in this game? So I can buy some new weapons to replace my locked ones? Or are there quests I can do in order to appropriately gear my character so that I can continue on my way to getting in to the groove of this game?

    Thanks for your help. Any advice/assistance is appreciated. :)
  2. valdoras Member

    I believe the only way to unlock your gear is to pay. However, depending on the quality (e.g. Legendary or something), you may be able to get away with just upgrading to silver. To do so is a one time fee of $5 and is more than worth it, couldn't recommend it enough.

    Zone-wise, I always found the Everfrost quest line nice and easy to follow, with reasonable rewards. At your level most of the start would con green to you & so could be a nice easy place to get back on your feet. Lavastorm is the other place level appropriate, would be around white con and can also deliver some worthwhile rewards, though I never really enjoyed that zone too much, I do remember doing it at least once or twice as you will get a mount at the end.

    Also by the way, upgrading to silver will allow you access to public channels. You may have some luck just asking if there is anyone available who can craft you a set of level 40 handcrafted gear, it will cost the crafter almost nothing and they may be willing to do it for free if you explain you are a returning player and need to get back on your feet. Full 40 hc is more than adequate to get you through some solo quests.
  3. suka Well-Known Member

    if you are a returning player, aren't you silver? go to and look up quests for your level. most of them offer decent gear. and if you can level yourself up as a weaponsmaker, you can make decent weps.
  4. BabyAngel Active Member

    Just so you all are aware silver does not allow you to use legendary and fable weapons, you need to be gold for that and I think its something that needs to be changed...

    However! As a free player you can wear Mastercrafted gear and thats what you should be doing :)

    As for buying things, you will need to find a broker. The easiest broker to get to in open world without worrying about guards in my opinion is Moors, any bell in the game will take you there.

    As for getting out of steamfront and being a little confused and stuck. Somewhere on your hotbar, (you can open more hot bars by right clicking your current one and going add new hotbar) or in your knowledge book should be a call home spell. I think that may put you somewhere in kelethin or not far from it in greater Faydark (I will assume you started there)

    And as for your quests mid way through... You could always open your journal up and just delete them all :) I have done that so many times!
  5. Ahupu Well-Known Member

    Of course if you find a bell to go to the Moors of Ykesha you could also just choose the Greater Faydark as it will deposit you in Kelethin as well. If finding a bell is an issue try /claim if you have not already claimed your welcome home potion pack this contains 2- 5 use portable bells of swift travel which when used summons a portal like a wizard or druid casting their teleport spell. Click on the portal and access the bell network.

    Deleting old unwanted quests=good thing.
  6. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    ...if you want the game's revenues to take a hit from the loss of subscriptions, since most people will likely not stay subscribed just out of a sense of loyalty. ;)
    Kirsche and Arielle Nightshade like this.
  7. BabyAngel Active Member

    I really believe that silver should get access to legendary. :) I think there are other ways to increase the incentive of being gold than gear restrictions.

    I don't want the whole game free, but I do think freeing up some of the gear restrictions and replacing them with specific gold only things (such as the gold rush buff but something more permanent) would be better. But this is not the thread to discuss my opinion on it.
  8. Estred Well-Known Member

    The problem with that is that once you get to Destiny of Velious. Treasured gear is all but phased out of the game. Everything is Legendary/Fabled it seems. The best a Silver member can afford is the Player Mastercrafted items made with Refinements and Experimentation.
  9. Arielle Nightshade Well-Known Member

    And a F2P or Silver account has to pay to equip legendary or higher. Coincidence? I don't think so :)
  10. Estred Well-Known Member

    It probably isn't a coincidence. It's a method to encourage players who really want to be at current content to subscribe. They don't have to as Mastercrafted is good enough. But MC is player made meaning you have to find a player to make it so it's not as easy.
  11. AccidentProne37 Active Member

    This is true. I'd also add that until 95, I don't typically worry about legendaries and fableds as they aren't really needed. My toons don't get to wear legendaries or fableds until they hit end cap and may need them for dungeons and raids.
  12. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    How hard/easy is it to ask in crafting channel saying LF crafter have rares and will tip? Getting a crafter to turn an item into Visionary is an entirely different matter.
  13. Estred Well-Known Member

    Probably not hard. The issue is more finding someone who can make it, Armorers/Tailors aren't common Tradeskills. So you have to find someone who has the time.

    The act of putting the LFC out is simple.
  14. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    Hrm. I have 1 of each crafter, and know others who do as well. Most of us who have multiple crafters are willing to make the time if you just wait until we're done with whatever we're up to at the time.
  15. Estred Well-Known Member

    Then all the power to you, I am an Armorer and have the same philosophy. I was speaking in terms of how depending on the time of day you ask it may be easy/hard.
  16. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    While it is possible that they had already planned on the Free-to-Play move when they released DoV (Feb 2011), the game didn't actually go Free-to-Play until around the time that AoD was released (Dec 2011).