Question - Screenshot captures

Discussion in 'Signatures' started by ARCHIVED-Cadori Seraphim, Jan 18, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cadori Seraphim Guest

    Ok, I have a good system and as such I can handle max graphics on for screenshot taking.

    Now, I went to take images of my Fae that I am getting a sig made for and for the life of me I cant get any GOOD ones.

    When I open them up in photoshop to adjust them before sending them to my sig maker, they are choppy and just not good looking.
    Granted I know there is *some* choppyness, as this is a game.. but I have not had this problem with ANY of my other characters.

    So my question to you guys is:

    What settings do you use for screenshot taking?

    Which are the most important to have at max?

    Which are the most important to have at min?

    What location is best for taking screenshots so the lighting is good?
  2. ARCHIVED-K_Aramae Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Cadori Seraphim Guest

    Thanks! Maybe it was the zone I was in at the time but the screenshots just came out AWEFUL! :(

    Will see what I can come up with this next time!
  4. ARCHIVED-Sapphirius Guest

    Here's the cut and pasted tips that are in my sig thread for you. The highlighted part is what you'll want to pay attention to.
    TIP #1: Clear screenshots against a contrasting background are easier to cut and therefore are finished faster.
    TIP #2: Up close screenshots make for better final images. Be sure to zoom your camera in for that lovely pic.
    TIP #3: For the best quality jpeg image you can get, go to your "Options" menu. Under "UI Settings" will be a section titled "Screenshots." Slide the jpeg setting all the way to its maximum quality.
    For all other things: keep shadows off. Keep specular lighting on. Turn additional specular lighting while raiding off. I like to turn my contrast up a bit. It makes things a bit darker, yes, but it also makes it brighter. Keep max torches down to 2 or 3. Keep spell casting effects down to 2 or 3.
    I like Everfrost best for taking screenshots. Sinking Sands has too many earthtones, and telling the difference between the sand or rocks from your skin or hair can be hard for your computer to do... unless you plan to clean all your pictures by hand.
    I hope that helps.
  5. ARCHIVED-Cadori Seraphim Guest

    Thank you Sapph :) I am logging in now to take some screenies!