Question about the level 20 training pet

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-KeeperofTime, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-KeeperofTime Guest

    Hello all,

    I'm about to hit level 20 and have a question about the Fallen Hero training pet. I see a lot of people saying that the hero is broken and currently doesn't level up with you. Is this just on the Test server or is it on Live as well?
    I tend to solo a lot or duo so I use my pet to tank all the time so I really wanted to get the Hero for an upgrade.

  2. ARCHIVED-Ragefighter87 Guest

    lvl 20 necro pet should lvl up to the lower 30s then stop. (think its ~32-34) on beta/test it stays at 20 but should be fixed when they review the training spells. same thing with the healer's group poison cure. it only cures a low amount (16 lvls of poison i think) but that should also be fixed after they redo those options. (on live the cure dispels 100 lvls of poison effects from group)

    I think this has to do with the new way spells are upgraded. most spells don't upgrade with lvl only the quality of the spell (app1-4 adept1-3 master1). pets grow with your lvl untill a given lvl then stop. and when they stop growing most of the time you have an upgrade in the next lvl or already got the new pet.

    anyway i picked that pet but you get a lvl 24 tank pet and if its at adept3 should be better.
  3. ARCHIVED-KeeperofTime Guest

    Thanks for the answer.
    I'll probably pick up the training pet because I don't have a lot of cash so that makes it hard for me to get app versions of my spells. That way I can use it until the 30 tank pet and save up money to upgrade that one. I have about 8 app1 spells, but they are all for different classes, haven't seen one drop yet that I can use.
  4. ARCHIVED-glock36 Guest

    The Fallen Hero should level up with you till level 32. I would choose this pet, I have loved it.
  5. ARCHIVED-vorek Guest

    Fallen Hero won't exsist after September 13th. He is the level 20 training option and this will be going away.
    Use him while you can to get to 24.
  6. ARCHIVED-lancekortesoja Guest

    Yep... it's usless I saw this thead and was just going to post that