Question about serial numbers

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, and New Player Questions' started by ARCHIVED-Motorhead85021, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Motorhead85021 Guest

    [p]Greetings,[/p][p]Starting EQII again after a year or so away. I own an original copy of EQII. I'm planning on purchasing the EoF expansion today. Will I need to create a new EQ2 account, or can I just place this new game code in my existing account?[/p][p]I just want the new code to gain access to the included expansions. Thanks for any info.[/p][p] [/p][p] [/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-DrkVsr Guest

    [size="small; color: #993300"][face="comic sans ms,sand"]Yes, you can just update your current account with the 'serial numbers' from EoF (make sure you get the retail if you only have the base game)[/face][/size]