question about mercenaries from a new player

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Deathsway, Dec 5, 2013.

  1. Deathsway New Member

    hey guys i just got in game today i paid the 15 dollars so my account can use mercenaries i also upgraded to a silver account so how do i use a mercenarie is it like eq 1 where you talk to someone in a town that lets you hire a merc??? i see a merc tab in my charecter window but when i click it it says you must buy the ability to use a mercenary which i paid the 15 bucks for.....
  2. napu Member

    most are in the main towns. Like a tavern in qeynos province district. The sc is paying for the ability to swop mercenaries while you are out and about instead of going back to recruit them.
  3. Mycenia Member

  4. Sambril Well-Known Member

  5. mouser Well-Known Member

    The $15 gets you a gold level account. That does NOT include mercenaries automatically.

    Mercenaries were part of the Age of Discovery Expansion/Feature Pack. They have since broken that up so you can buy each feature separately. If you look in the SC shop you should see mercenaries somewhere, along with the beastlord class, reforging, and I think something else came with that pack as well...
  6. redwoodtreesprite Well-Known Member

    I noticed that I had to log out and in after unlocking mercs with SC, at least to get the message to change under the merc tab.
  7. Grundge Active Member

    Just a heads up...the mercenary slots do NOT work like in EQ. As you already know, in EQ to open up extra mercenary slots you buy an extra merc slot and it is good for your whole account

    Here in EQ2, you buy an extra slot PER character PER mercenary.
  8. Morfydd Active Member

    @Mouser - I assume he meant that he paid 1500 SC to unlock mercenaries.
  9. mouser Well-Known Member

    Could be. I didn't know the price of mercenaries and I try never to assume anything.
    Yes, that means I come off sounding like Captain Obvious at times, but it helps out often enough.