Question about Mage Spell

Discussion in 'Necromancer' started by ARCHIVED-Nonexistant, Jan 18, 2006.

  1. ARCHIVED-Nonexistant Guest

    I was just wondering if anyone could help me out. I just started playing this morning and got a spell that says "Allows a Heroic Act" and it must be cast in combat? Anyone know what this is or does? I can't find it listed in the spell lists. Thanks.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kasandria Guest

    It's not really a spell it's more an ability that everyone has in one form or another. It has zero cast time. You click the icon or make a macro to use it and some of your hotbar icons will flash, you cast that spell and another will flash. You cast the second one and an additional amount of damage or some other effect occurs because you completed the Heroic Opportunity.
  3. ARCHIVED-Nonexistant Guest

    Ok, Thanks... I kind of thought it was something special. I'll have to give it another try. Thanks, again :)
  4. ARCHIVED-Xalmat Guest

    Hop on Test server and visit the new Isle of Refuge, there's an NPC that goes in-depth on Heroic Opportunities. After you're done hop back to your Live necro to try it out. :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Eriol Guest

    Hopefully EVERYBODY goes back and takes that. The number of people that actually know how to manipulate HOs correctly is in the severe minority. I complemented a scout on knowing it WELL the other day, just because it seems so rare.

    (And I don't mean "knows every combination", but rather "isn't actively breaking it, and understands how to complete them, and WHEN to break them." For example, we were in a group with no mage (this was on an alt), and every time a chain went to a mage-only progression, he broke it, which obviously is the RIGHT thing to do)