Question about Class Updates and Mages

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Magic Missiles, Jan 26, 2022.

  1. Magic Missiles Active Member

    I was so very very happy to read about the upcoming 'fix' to the mage DPS, but from what i have experienced and hear on server discussions now I am not sure any of the increases to mage damage actually went in.
    Can we get dev confirmation that mages are once again T1 DPS (eggplant chocolatedonut emoji) all set now, and that the overwhelming hidden pet nerfs that actually lowered total DPS for summoners, i.e. was totally intended?

    Madder than ever, and about to give up...
  2. Tanto Done, finished, gone.

    Our guild is a bit light on dps mages. Our necro did noticeably more, but still not competing with T1 scouts. The scouts all did noticeably less, and overall I'd say our raid dps dropped rather than increased with the mage boost.

    To miss the mark so badly with such a long anticipated update is truly embarrassing. The mechanics dev should really be moved to a role where he can't do as much damage, and put someone competent in his place. Enough is enough.
    Observing, Bhayar, AOE1 and 2 others like this.
  3. Sigrdrifa EQ2 Wiki Author

    Apparently any changes aren't affecting mage DPS in raid, I'm told they are making a difference in heroics. Our necro was doing well last night in raid, so maybe I just need an obscene amount of potency on the warlock...
  4. Priority Well-Known Member

    We saw noticable increases across our wiz, lock, and necro last bight in raid. The CA nerf, because people seem to forget that tanks, some healers and chanters are also affected by these blanket changes because one or 2 classes are doing extremely well. I agree with Tanto though, time for a change in the mechanics department.
    Ashandra likes this.
  5. Argent Active Member

    Necros pretty much don't have to worry about their own power, give out hearts for others power, get a pet, can rez, can feign death, can pop up after dying ... all of that, and you want them to compete as tier 1 DPS? Since they did in RoS, maybe that's the expectation

    Over the years things have gotten so out of whack from the original design, where sorcerers and predators were T1 DPS, Rogues and Summoners were T2 DPS
    Magdaddy and Siren like this.
  6. AOE1 Well-Known Member

    Things all went to he-double L when they started with this balancing stuff. Nerf one and increase the other. All it has done is piss off everyone.
  7. Proto12 Active Member

    I can understand people's confusion and frustration tbh. When stats are as 1-dimensional as there are now, it's hard to understand why you can't manipulate base damage numbers to get desired results. If anything just strip stuff back to it's bare bones, then build the complexity up from there. At this point I wouldn't be surprised if most people would rather just have a single stat for offense and a single stat for defense. At least then it should be well within anyone's grasp to balance numbers such that classes perform on a parse like you would expect them to, and incoming damage can be moderated and scaled within reason.