Quest - Whispers from the Past

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Lyonhearrt, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. Lyonhearrt New Member

    I need to talk to Anashti Sul in the Temple of Anashti Sul's. I get to it from a cave entrance in The Sinking Sands that is also a doorway for the Silent City. Every where I read it says that it should be an option from the same doorway as the Silent City entrance. I can't find it. Guides do say that if in a group that the option might not appear. I am solo and still no option for the Temple. Am I doing something wrong? Did it change? Can I finish this quest? I'm not sure what's up.
  2. Charlice Well-Known Member

    I'm guessing this is what you've read.

    Enter The Temple of Anashti Sul's at ( -944, -229, -1041 ) From Sinking Sands, and summon her by clicking on the raised bath at ( 0, -13, -99 ) .
    Note: The cave to the backdoor entrance of Silent City is at ( -876, -235, -1261 ) . This is also the entrance for The Temple of Anashti Sul's. Being in a group may prevent this option from showing up, and since only the person who summons her will get an update, everyone on this step should drop group and go in solo to get their updates.

    If you're using a merc, drop it just in case, if it still doesn't work, send in a petition.
  3. Lyonhearrt New Member

    Thanks! I didn't have a merc out but tried it again. Still a no go so put in a ticket.
  4. Chrol Developer

    I tested the clicking of the door not displaying Anashti Sul's temple but wasn't able to duplicate the bug. However, I did put in a fix for the step of the quest where you summon Anashti. Doing so will now update the entire group (if in the same zone, obviously.) It may not go live for a few weeks but will be listed in update notes when it does.