Quality of life improvements

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Arandar, Feb 19, 2024.

  1. Arandar Well-Known Member

    Just throwing this out there, there's two small QoL improvements I'd love to see in the game:

    1. An option to explicitly disable the "you have disabled XP" messages that are flashed on the screen if you have XP gain disabled. Right now our only option is to disable general messages, and that disables a lot of different types of messages.

    2. An option (or even just a / command) that lets you disables flying and leaping for mounts that are capable of it. This is primarily due to the seizure-inducing effects of using a large flying mount when you have mount rendering disabled. When you walk across water or there's a slight change in elevation which causes the client to think that it needs to constantly redraw the mount.

    The mount issue really became noticeable when flying mounts automagically became leapers on the TLE servers and you try to cross any kind of river or walk in shallow water in the game. Frankly, it's fairly awful and it would be nice to have at least the option to disable that behavior without dismounting completely or switching to a ground mount that doesn't have comparable stats.