"Qeynos Guard" shield NOT procing

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by ARCHIVED-Ragganar, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ragganar Guest

    [p]for the past 2 weeks i investigated the subject , had a special combat window opened in which i ahve checked after every encounter - and the conclution - the "qeynos guard" shiled (end claymore reward) is not working.[/p][p]while other items proc as they should , not a single proc (out of the 2 possible wards on the shield) have happened.[/p][p]since it will work on casting mobs i also checked it out on DT (gazers , all nameds , and tarinax) , AoA 4x dragons , Lab , and EOF raid zones.[/p][p]not a single proc on the shield as far as i could see.[/p][p]i have patitioned, and 2 GM checked the subject in-game , and seems i was currect.[/p][p]they said that after checking the issue in-game , it seems that the "qeynos guard" not working as designed.[/p][p]they will take it with the concerend department , and said i should keep an eye on the comming updatse for a fix.[/p][p]just for u guys to know , and check for yourselfs. better use another shield till its fixed.[/p][p]cheers.[/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-NoNameChosen Guest

    I still regularly see the effect coming up in my buff window, so for me it is working as intended. However, there have been issues in the past where certain weapons would prevent it from proccing.
  3. ARCHIVED-Emerix Guest

    proccing according to our MT
  4. ARCHIVED-Ixnay Guest

    Mine is reflecting on my SK - sounds like there is a proc stacking issue with a specific item in this case.
  5. ARCHIVED-Vorlak Guest

    [p]ok so i thought mine was the only defective one....[/p][p]mine proc's just fine standing idle just not in combat, its really nice for pulling mobs who deside to aoe, or use there specail moves on pull.[/p]
  6. ARCHIVED-atjtennis Guest

    [p]I had not been looking for the proc for a while but when I noticed this thread I started looking for it again and I have not seen it at all this week whether I was out soloing, grouped or in a Raid.[/p]
  7. ARCHIVED-Tyrion Guest

    Mine procs rarely in combat, but it does. It's because it's SPELLS cast, not abilities, so when I'm raiding, nothing casts spells on me. Strangely enough, the shield randomly procs whenever I stand in front of the broker in QH. But ONLY when I'm in QH, and ONLY when I'm in front of the broker. It'll be two, three or more times usually, sometimes in quick succession. Any word on why the shield randomly procs when I'm not in combat, have no DoTs, or anything that could trigger it at all?
  8. ARCHIVED-digitalblasphemy Guest

    My guess would be the transmuters you camp the broker and are breaking down stuff. Just a guess, but you might want to start there.
  9. ARCHIVED-Norrsken Guest

    The shield is just happy to be home again! ;)