PVP writs to remain the same in TSO. Time to quit?

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-ElephantonRU, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-ElephantonRU Guest

    According to information from beta, new TSO PVP system is now in place on beta server, and it appears to be exactly identical to current one (just new tokens).
    So, SOE has again "listened" to our concers about current PVP writ system which completely ruined the PVP. And it is obvious that the current PVP writ system we all hate so much will never change now.
    Is it THE time to quit EQ2?
  2. ARCHIVED-Sightless Guest

    It is a good thing that you can't get new gear with old insignias if I am reading you correctly.
    I would have like to have seen them institute a writ system that allowed you to say; Kill xx number of enemies, and get one piece of gear. Instead of the way it is now.
  3. ARCHIVED-Tharcyl Guest

    Just new tokens? T_T
    I guess these tokens only drop on lvl 80 toons, am i right?
    I hope at least that pvp armor pieces are cheaper :/
  4. ARCHIVED-AerieHeart Guest

    No I think your level will determine the tier of the writ you get. For instance if you are lvl 62 you get a T7 writ, but you can update it by killing green T6 players. Could be wrong of course ...
  5. ARCHIVED-ElephantonRU Guest

    Tharcyl wrote:
    No, actually it is more expensive now. 1 token per writ, 100-150 tokens per gear piece. Laggy and sensless raid PVP hell is to continue.
  6. ARCHIVED-AerieHeart Guest

    Yep probably time to quit if writs go live in that state. Or raid more pve stuff to gear up ...
  7. ARCHIVED-Tharcyl Guest

    At the moment, it's not easy to raid anything more than Soh and PR on Venekor
    I guess, for me it's time to quit.
  8. ARCHIVED-Guld_Ulrish Guest

    Yeah, the token amount increase and the player amount decrease, sound smart.
  9. ARCHIVED-ShiftySands Guest

    It really doesn't matter how high the token cost is if you can just complete a writ fast by zerging Fautuna on Nagafen.
    SOE clearly doesn't listen, and there are simple alternatives to the current writ system (aside from body drops) that they could implement, but don't. This is why we need a PVP Dev, or if there is one, this is why he or she needs to actually post and talk to the PVPers.
  10. ARCHIVED-Azol Guest

    This is very unwelcomed change, but I would prefer to wait till official word or release of TSO. But yes, it is true, getting tokens is already hard as hell on Venekor, especially when you do not have tracking ability.
  11. ARCHIVED-Ajjantis Guest

    I wouldnt wait for launch because we all know how hard it is to get stuff changed once its live. Now is the best moment to change before it launches. Venekor is so dead, it will be impossible for us to get tokens :-(
  12. ARCHIVED-Krakelkrak Guest

    Noooo... Don't do this SOE. NOBODY likes the pvp writs. Please do something different.
    I think we're all very disappointed with you for this. We thought you'd do something new and fun. I mean really, what was the point of keeping the new writ system secret for so long when it's the same old same old? That's pretty weak imo.
  13. ARCHIVED-Azekah1 Guest

    You could just reroll...
    You can spend months pvping pre80...and you dont have to worry about any tokens :D
  14. ARCHIVED-Chaly Guest

    So ... the new PvP gear is going to cost more in terms of writs? Great. And the writs are going to stay the same? Oh, that's even better. I'm sorry, but there isn't a smiley that oozes enough sarcasm for me here.
    This camel's back is getting tired of all the straw. More frustration with writs might be the final straw. Why am I even bothering to level alts, if it's just going to be worse?
    The zerging of Fautuna hasn't been an issue for a long time. Something like this ... that would make it a common occurence. I guess the "Kill 800 enemies for piece X" plan was too radical a change. At least CoD5 is fun, and Left 4 Dead is hitting next week. I may need a break.
  15. ARCHIVED-Plaguemeister Guest

    Has anyone tried to have both writ quests active at the same time or does the new writ over write the old writ? Also, the writ system is far more fair towards non scouts than the old system. I was able to accumulate tons of body drop tokens on my scouts in t7 while my guardian and necro took 2-3x longer to accrue tokens.
  16. ARCHIVED-AerieHeart Guest

    Vlahkmaak@Venekor wrote:
    There have been countless suggestions how to improve current writ system without getting back to body drop tokens.
    Increasing costs is no good news. Leaving the same BS writ system untouched is worse.
  17. ARCHIVED-ShiftySands Guest

    I'll post the same idea I've posted in a few other places, and hope that SOE changes SOMETHING before they give us another year of trash writs.
    Writs based on gaining status = win.
    A) SOE already has the system in place that cuts down the amount of status you get depending on how many people were involved in the fight.
    B) It would promote solo, duo, and group PVP over raid PVP. Why would you raid and get 30 status per kill when you could solo, duo, and group and get 1-5k status per kill.
    Gain 50,000 status in PVP. (10 solo kills, essentially -- less than 20 duo kills, and so on)
    Reward: X Tokens
  18. ARCHIVED-Plaguemeister Guest

    Peak@Nagafen wrote:
    This really is no different than the old body drop system - again my scouts will be geared up fast AND solo before my mains that I spend more time on because scouts are such bloody efficient killers compared to most other classes.
  19. ARCHIVED-ShiftySands Guest

    Yeah, well the current system is the same -- except it doesn't matter if you're solo or raiding, you get the same amount of updates.
    Scouts will always have the advantage in gaining tokens via track. That's just how it is.
    The question you need to ask yourself is: do you want to reward those who rez zerg Fautuna in a raid for their updates the same as a scout or healer or mage or tank that goes out solo for updates? Because that's how it is right now.
    People who go out solo, duo, and group should get rewarded more than those who run around with an x4 worth of people all the time.
    It was just an idea though, I'm sure there are better ideas, the only reason that one is good is because the necessary things to make it work are already in game. It wouldn't be very hard to implement and is certainly better than what we have right now.
  20. ARCHIVED-Guld_Ulrish Guest

    I like peak´s idead, much betetr then this writs.